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I was so glad that there was somewhere close by that I could actually enjoy myself, without feeling out of place like I do in the little redneck bars around my town. I had a feeling that the Devil's Rose was going to be a big hit throughout the years, as long as the community didn't try to shut it down. I watched the others dance while I sipped my drink. The shots that I had taken already had my face heated up, and my blood stirring. I wanted to dance, but I felt like Colby wanted to talk...and we only had this night together before we would be separated again. "So, how long have you know that Justin kid?" Colby asked, drawing my attention back to him. I cocked my eyebrow at him, and smirked. "He's not a kid. He's 22. I don't know, a couple of months. Actually, I was on the facetime with you when I met him. When I went to the mall that day with Denise. Why? You jealous Brock?" I asked, winking at him, and nudging his shoulder with my own. He grinned, but it didn't reach his eyes. "No, of course not," he replied hurriedly. That kind of hurt, but I didn't say anything. "You just never mentioned him. Besides, we aren't together or anything." He looked away from me, out to the crowd. "I guess you can see who you want." I glanced out to the crowd myself, thinking about how those words really didn't sit well with me. "I'm not seeing him. I haven't seen anyone. He's just a friend. I don't want to see anyone else Colby," I replied softly, putting my hand on his hand that was resting on the table. He looked back at me and smiled, a light coming into his eyes. His hand opened, and he laced his fingers through mine. "Let's talk about that later. Come on, I know you wanna dance." He stood, pulling me up with him. We walked over to my friends, and they moved back allowing us room to join them. So we danced. We got lost in the music, or at least I did. Colby wasn't much of a dancer when it involved doing actual steps but he was fine with swaying his hips against mine. So I danced against him, relishing the feel of his hands on my body again. I had missed him so much. He was like a drug, that I was weaning myself off of, but I had succumbed and had a little taste. I only wanted more. It was going to be so hard to let him go tomorrow. I sighed, feeling Colby's hand trace around my midriff as he turned me to face him. I had let him go once, I could do it again. But the pain...oh my God, the pain. He looked down into my eyes, and brought his hand up to push my hair behind my ear. His hand stayed there, cupping my face. I lay my cheek over into his palm and looked back at him, a heaviness in my heart now. He noticed. "You okay?" He asked softly, as our bodies swayed together to the music. I nodded and smiled a little. "Yeah. Just...dreading tomorrow, I guess. Do you really have to go back so soon?" "Yeah, I told Sam I'd be back in the morning. We have to start filming. I wish I could stay though." He moved his hand and took a lock of my hair, twirling it around his fingers. "I really have missed you baby girl," he said quietly, not looking at me, instead watching my hair feather through his fingers. "I missed you too," I replied, laying my head down on his chest, as I tightened my arms around his waist. I could hear his heartbeat thrumming through his shirt, more prominent to me than the loud music even. "I wish I could go to Savannah with you. It's been a long time since I've been there. It's a really cool place. I can't believe you guys are actually doing a video about it," I said, my voice muffled against his chest. He chuckled a little and pulled back from me. "Why can't you?" I scrunched my face up in confusion. "Why can't I what?" I asked. "Come to Savannah with me? Your friends too, if you want. I can put you up in a room there." I chewed my lip, looking at his hopeful expression. "Colby, I can't just up and leave for a week. I have a job. A new job that won't let me take vacation time just yet." "Come on Terra! When are we going to get another chance like this? I don't want you to lose your job though soo...I understand, I guess. I just really wasn't ready to let you go again. Not just yet." He pulled out his phone and glanced at the time. "We've been here for a few hours already. I'm going to need a few hours of sleep before I start driving. I guess it's time for me to go find a hotel or something..." he trailed off. I rolled my eyes, and leaned forwards to kiss his lips quickly. The thought that this was our first kiss since we seen each other this time, flitted through my mind, as our lips touched. The heat was still there, the need to deepen the kiss, as my hands bunched into the back of his shirt...but I pulled away. "You can stay at our place. I told you that. There's no need for you to get a hotel." He shrugged a little, looking down at my lips as I spoke. "If you're sure," he said, his voice a little deeper than normal. "I am," I replied softly. "What time are you pulling out in the morning?" He cleared his throat, then his eyes met mine again. "Around 7, probably. I know Sam likes to get up early and get things started so I I should be able to make it back there around 9." I slid my phone out of my pocket to check the time myself. "Colby, it's already 3 am. You need to sleep." He smirked at me and spun me around, making me yelp and almost drop my phone. "Ass," I muttered with a smile, when I was back in his arms. "I've had less sleep. A couple of energy drinks and I'll be fine...but I should go get some rest." 

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