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I rolled over on my side, facing him. He did the same, then wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me towards him. We just lay there for a few minutes, staring into each other's eyes. Honestly, I didn't know what to say. My heart was literally throbbing right now, as I looked at him. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. I was in love with him. I had been in love with him, and nothing was going to change that. When we separated tomorrow, my heart would be crushed, but he had given me an experience that I would keep with me forever. I would always be grateful to him for that. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, as he reached a hand up and brushed my hair back from my forehead, hooking it behind my ear, before laying his hand back on my side. "You," I said softly, holding his gaze. "Us. Tomorrow and what happens after." I didn't see any point in lying. He sighed heavily, and rolled over onto his back, throwing one of his arms above his head. "I really hate that I have to leave tomorrow. Or today actually. It's 1 am." He turned his head to look at me, and I swear I actually saw sadness in his eyes. "I told you that I can't make you any promises Terra. We just live too far apart. I wish that I could but what kind of relationship would that be?" I felt tears prick my eyes as I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. I don't expect anything. No promises. In another life, maybe things could have been different." He smiled at me sadly, then leaned forwards and brushed his soft lips against mine, before gathering me in his arms, and pulling me close to him. I lay my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The steady rhythm seemed to be counting down our time together, like the ticking of a clock. "Will I ever hear from you?" I asked, my voice cracking a little from all of the emotions swirling through me. I felt him kiss the top of my head, before answering. "Absolutely. I'll give you my number and I'll get yours. I'll even stay up to date with your fan page," he joked. I poked him in the side, making him jump. "Shut up," I replied, my voice muffled because I hid my face in his chest. "Oh, I forgot to tell you," I said, sitting up. "That fan, the one that met us in the hallway. She took a picture of us together and posted it. The rest of the fandom has pretty much figured out it was me. They can't see my face though. What do we do about it? I've been avoiding social media because I didn't know what to say." He chewed the inside of his lip, as he studied me, then sighed. "I'm not sure. I usually just try to avoid these things until they go away but I don't want you pulled into it. You can say it was you. Just say something like you ran into me in the hallway, and we started talking. We were headed the same way, but when the fan stopped me, you went ahead and left. Simple and straightforward." "But you had your arm around me in the picture," I replied, biting my lip. He just shrugged. "We were taking a photo together." I shook my head. "That won't work. Where's the proof? The photo doesn't exist." "Oh my God, this gets so annoying sometimes," he groaned. "Okay, I was giving you a hug, like I do all of the fans, and just hadn't released you completely yet. That work?" I nodded. "I'm sorry Colby. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. I'm sorry that you can't trust people, especially people that are supposed to love you." His forehead creased as he looked at me. "Hey, no, don't be sorry. This is the life that I worked hard for. It has it's ups and downs, like anything else. Here," he said, reaching into his pockets and pulling out his phone. He unlocked it, then handed it to me. "I don't let just anyone hold my phone, or have my number. I trust you. Call your phone so we can save the numbers." I thought my heart would explode from that one simple act. He said he trusted me. That meant more to me than I would ever be able to explain, because I felt in my heart that it was hard for him to trust people. He had always given off this vibe, and these little hints that it was hard for him to trust anyone, much less someone that he barely knew. I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I entered my number into his phone. My own phone vibrated, so I ended the call, handed his back, then reached over to the table for mine. I forgot that I didn't have underwear on, so when I leaned up and over, I was shocked when I felt a hand crack down on my bare ass. I yelped loudly, and fell back down on the bed, before I could grab my phone. Colby started laughing, and shrugged. "Couldn't resist. You can't put that thing in my face without me touching it. Not ever gonna happen." I rolled my eyes and blushed, then scooted over in the bed so that I could reach my phone without putting my bare ass up. I should really put some damn underwear on. I unlocked my phone, and just stared at the number on the screen for a moment. This was Colby's number. Colby Brock had given me his personal phone number. Had trusted me with it. I shook my head, still in disbelief that any of this was actually happening. I was in bed with him, with no underwear on, because he had just given me an absolutely mind blowing orgasm...twice. Still convinced that I was in a coma, having the best dream of my life. I saved his number, putting a little black heart by his name. I glanced over, seeing he was still on his phone, so I decided to check Twitter really quick. Trying to keep my phone shielded from him, without being obvious, I rolled over onto my side, facing him again. 

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