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I showed them my ID, and took the bags that were offered. The lobby was overflowing with so many people now, that we had to literally push our way back through the crowd to get back to the elevator. By the time we made it to our room, I was honestly exhausted. Our hall was flooded with people too, and I couldn't tell who was actually staying on this floor, or who was still trying to look for the guys or other influencers. We made it to our room, and I pulled out my key card and unlocked the door. The first thing I noticed when we walked in was that Sarah and Kenzie were sitting in the white half circle chairs that were on the opposite side of the room as the beds. They both looked transfixed by whatever that whatever Colby was talking about. "No, I honestly thought that Elton was going to kill me after that. I won't ever cut his beard again," he let out a short, deep rumbling laugh. I walked a little further into the room and saw him still sitting on the foot of my bed, but he had kicked his shoes off now, and pulled his legs up onto the mattress as well. Colby Brock had made himself comfortable in our room...on my bed. "Did it mess your hair up at all, when he glued the wig to your head?" Kenzie asked, leaning forwards in her chair as she stared at him intently. I'm surprised she hadn't fallen out of it yet. He glanced up as we walked into his view and gave me a smile that, once again, stole my breath. His cheeks lifted, his dimples popping, his full lips pulling back over his teeth. Seriously, a smile that lit up the room. And my heart. That smile never failed to make me smile, and this was proven true again, as I felt the corners of my lips turn up involuntarily. What made it even better was that this smile was directed specifically at me...and maybe the bag of Taco Bell that I had in my hand, but still. I wasn't picky. "Oh thank God! I was beginning to think you really had stolen my food," he joked, as he held out his hand for the bags. I handed them to him and giggled. "No, but we actually haven't eaten either so we need to go get something. You're welcome to stay...if you want. We shouldn't be too long." He had already opened the bag, and was diving in, so he answered me with his mouthful of food. Normally, I would have thought that was disgusting, but for some reason, it was just cute with him. "Oomph, nawh," he chewed the bite in his mouth, and swallowed before continuing. "I'll try to make it back to my room. Is it safe?" he asked, raising his eyebrows questioningly at me. I looked to Denise to see what she thought. She just shrugged at me. Lot of help. I looked back to Colby, meeting his blue gaze, and watched him take another bite of his burrito. "I think so. The hallway is packed, so I honestly don't think anyone will be paying attention. Just put your hat and glasses back on maybe. The room is right next door...maybe they can have it waiting for you? Or we can kind of surround you until you get to the room? I don't know what I'm talking about," I laughed out nervously. This was all just too weird. He nodded, and swallowed, then pulled out his phone. He hit the screen a few times with his finger, then I heard ringing. He had it on speaker. "You good?" was the first thing I heard when it was answered. It was Sam. I would recognize that voice anywhere too. The adorable blonde guy that had stolen my heart with his blue eyes, and inspirational words. "Yeah brother, I'm good. The girls," he paused and glanced at me. "Terra and her friends. They went and picked up my food. Tell Jake I'm eating his and also tell him to fuck off." Sam's laughter boomed out of the little speaker on the phone and I couldn't help grinning, while I heard my friends giggle behind me. "You coming back to the room?" Sam asked. Colby nodded, even though Sam couldn't see him. I thought that was cute. Of course, I apparently thought everything he did was cute. "Yeah, I'm going to try. Can you go ahead and crack the door for me? Terra said that the hallway was packed with people so maybe I can get through unnoticed. I know they just wanna say hi and talk, but that was a lot of people coming at me. It freaked me out." "I know man. Yeah, I'll crack the door. Room service showed up a few minutes ago, so we have our food. There's a little extra, and we can call up more if the girls are hungry. As a thank you for helping out," Sam replied. Colby looked up at me again, and lifted his shoulders like he was asking what I thought. I knew the answer but I looked at my friends. "What do you think? Can we afford room service?" I asked. "Hell yea we can, if it means we get to eat at with the Trap House! Besides, I'll just get Dad to wire me more money if we need it. He'll do it. I'll just have to beg a little," Sarah replied excitedly. I laughed and rolled my eyes. It came in handy sometimes having a spoiled friend. The others nodded, and I turned back to Colby. "I guess we're in. Thanks!" "Okay, they said yeah. Guess we'll be there in a second. Keep Jake away from the door. I'm actually going to kill him," he replied. Sam laughed again. "Okay brother, I'm doing it now. I'll stand here to make sure he doesn't get any not so smart ideas." "Thanks Sam," Colby replied. "Of course," Sam said, before Colby disconnected the call. "Alright, let's go get you girls some food," he said, standing up and clearing his mess, putting the food back in the bags, then picking them up. He came up beside me, and smiled down at me. "Lead the way Princess," he said softly.

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