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"I know Colby. I'm part of the fandom, remember? I know how things work." He sighed deeply, and shifted a little. "I somehow keep forgetting that, even though I know you have a fan page. You're different. I'm going to see that page one day though, you can bet on it." "Not unless you want me to die of embarrassment, you won't. I don't even use my real name- oh." Fuck. I think I just realized why he wanted to know my middle name. Shit. This wasn't good. Should I just die right now or wait for him to expose me? I sat up, and turned, narrowing my eyes at him. Oh, he fucking knew. He had a big, shit eating grin on his face, and his blue eyes were dancing with suppressed laughter. "What?" he asked, his voice shaking a little from holding the laughter in. "You've been fucking with me today!" I exclaimed, pointing my finger at him, and pursing my lips. He stayed lying down, and put both hands behind his head, still holding that shit eating grin. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he replied, laughing a little. "You're such a liar! You know. You've been on my fan account all day!" I smacked him across the chest, but he surprised me by grabbing my hand and pulling me down towards him. "Oof," I gasped out, as my breath left my body from landing on top of him. My face was so close to his, and I was literally draped half on top of him, my chest on top of his. "I think it's cute. Some of your captions...well, that's a whole new side of you, Terra Rayne." I felt the fire climb up my body, reaching my face, turning it beet red. "You weren't supposed to see those," I replied, shifting onto my elbows so that I could lean up. "Don't you know I see everything? I just don't acknowledge it. Sam and I, the rest of the guys, we have a good laugh reading through some of the fandom's crackhead things. Makes for a good Saturday night." I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore how my body was reacting to being on top of him. "Well then, you weren't supposed to know it was me. I was supposed to stay anonymous. Just another fan account. But you had to go snooping. How did you find me anyways?" I asked, moving to sit up. I couldn't stay in that particular position for too long. It was just a little too much for me to handle. He sat up, and ruffled his hair. "I saw a picture of you on Instagram. You were coming out of the pool, and I was standing off to the side watching you. There were a lot of people tagging a certain account, asking if it was them. So I checked out the account. I liked one of the posts, your phone went crazy, so I suspected. I saw that they were calling the person Rayne. I figured it probably was your account but I had to be sure so I waited a little while and I commented. Your phone went crazy again, and you kept looking at me suspiciously. Then I asked your middle name and you pretty much cemented what I had already guessed. You did this to yourself. It was too easy." He smirked again, and I closed my eyes and groaned. "I've only seen two posts by the way. I'll be sure to go through and read the rest of the captions later." My eyes snapped open meeting his mischievous gaze. "Colby Brock, I swear to God, I will deactivate the entire account and unstan you right now." He burst out laughing, the sound so sweet to my ears, but grating on my nerves at the same time, because I was highly worried that he would go through my account. Actually, I had no doubt that he would. "No, you won't. You like me too much," he replied, leaning towards me and biting his lip. "No, I don't. You're an ass. You're frustrating, and you make me crazy," I breathed out, very aware that he was leaning closer and closer. I was afraid to move, like there was a snake in front of me, ready to strike the second that I did. "I think you like that about me," he whispered, his lips only a breath from mine now. "No," was all I could manage to squeak out. What the fuck? This wasn't the first time we had kissed. Hell, this would be...what? The third time, I think. Why was he still having this affect on me? I literally felt like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. His blue eyes were staring into mine, into my fucking soul. It was like he could see inside of me, to the core of who I really was. I wasn't sure if that scared me or not. I thought I was ready when he finally pressed his soft lips gently to mine, but I wasn't. The feeling...I don't know how to explain it. Adrenaline buzzed throughout my entire body, making my fingertips tingle as I reached up and buried my hands in his hair. At the same time, my bones felt like they were melting again, leaving me an anxious, relaxed mess. I told you that it was hard to explain. His hands pressed against the small of my back, finding skin, his fingers digging into my flesh a little. Somehow I crawled into his lap, straddling him without even realizing it. Thank God for instinctive reactions, because this was definitely where I wanted to be. His hands traveled down, gripping my hips, as his tongue delved deeper, doing what he does best, exploring my mouth. I whimpered in protest when he tore his mouth from mine, but moaned just as quickly when his lips latched onto my neck, leaving a wet trail down to my collarbone. My body acted on it's own and rocked against his lap, earning me a deep groan from him. One that sent shivers throughout my entire body and almost had me moaning in return. "Oh shit! I told y'all!" A loud voice that I actually hated right then sounded through the room. 

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