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Didn't stop him though, because as soon as Brennen was at the door, Colby bounced to the other side of the bed, and snatched a few more fries, before scooting back to his side. He saw me watching, as I sat down next to Tara, and flashed me a wide grin. "Your friends are here," Brennen called back to me, as he looked through the peep hole. He opened the door to let them file inside. They stood there awkwardly, glancing at everyone in the room, until their eyes fell on me sitting by Tara. "Don't be shy ladies. Come find a seat. Anywhere is fine," Brennen said, wagging his eyebrows at them as he walked back by to reclaim his spot. Colby jumped up, and grabbed the Taco Bell bags out of Denise's hands so quick, I think it actually scared her, with the way she jerked back. "Oh Thank God, I'm starving," Tara groaned, scooting closer to me on the edge of the bed, so that she could reach across and get her food from Colby. He passed it to her, and she bounced on the bed excitedly. "I got my Taco Bell babyyyy," she sang out, grinning at me, as she scooted back to her spot. Denise made a beeline for me, sitting next to me on the side of the bed, while Sarah took the foot of the bed where Brennen was sat, Kenzie beside her. "Did anyone order anymore food for them?" Colby asked, his mouth full again. "No, wasn't sure what they ate, so I was waiting. Just grab that menu over there and get whatever you want. We'll pay," Sam said, motioning towards the menu on the bedside table. I shook my head. "No, we can pay for our own, it's-" He cut me off with a wave of his hand. "You guys helped us out more than you know today. The fans are usually fine, fun even. We love them. Those did seem a little more aggressive than usual though, and we're grateful that you guys aren't freaking out on us, and that you didn't kick Colby out of your room. Not a problem. The food is on us. Get dessert too. Enough for all of us," Sam said, licking some kind of sauce off of his finger from his burger. Colby passed me the phone and I made the order after some debate, laughing, and yelling. It seemed like the longer we were in the room, the less anxious I got about it. They were just people. Normal, funny, amazing people that we got the chance to hang out with. Our food came, and we centered the roll away tray in between the beds so that we could all eat off of it. I had kept it basic, just ordering a bacon cheeseburger and fries, with pickles on the side, and a slice of chocolate peanut butter cheesecake on the side. I would probably regret this, when the scale decided to tell me that I weighed ten pounds more, but for now, I didn't give a shit. "I'm so glad that you guys ended up hanging out with us for a little while. It gets a little overwhelming just being with guys all of the time. They can be gross," Tara said, glancing at Jake licking ice cream off of his fingers. He caught her eye while his finger was in his mouth, and raised his eye brows, "Hmm?" he murmured. She just rolled her eyes, smiled, and looked back at us. "Seriously. Thank you." I laughed a little. "I'm really glad that we're here. Never thought that something like this would happen. It's kind of unbelievable really." I looked back to my plate just in time to see Colby snatch a few of my fries. "Hey!" I exclaimed, swatting his hand away. "You already ate! These are mine," I said, indignantly. "But I didn't have fries. And sharing is caring," he said, sticking his bottom lip out just a bit, his blue eyes dancing with humor. Fuck. I looked to the ceiling, and pushed my plate towards him. "That's not fair," I grumbled. "What's not?" He asked, then picked up two fries, held his head back and lowered the fries into his open mouth. I huffed out a breath and met his gaze. "Colby Brock just asked me for my fries, then pouted. I'm not gonna tell him no, for fuck's sake." Guess I must be getting more comfortable around them to be able to say that without blushing. The room got quiet, as Colby's eye's widened. "So all I gotta do is pout?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "No, that's not what I-" Out came his bottom lip again. "Can I have a little of that cheesecake? It looks so good. I've never had that kind before." I glared at him. "Damn you Brock," I muttered, pushing it towards him. Everyone laughed but I heard his the most, standing out from everyone else's. It was like music to my ears. I watched as he picked up my fork, not bothering to wipe it off or anything, and cut him a bite of my dessert. I watched still, as that fork came up to his lips. They parted, and he placed it on his tongue, letting it sit there a moment, and moaned as he closed his lips around the fork, and pulled it out of his mouth. I swallowed hard, squirming a little on the bed. "Colby..." he glanced over to Tara, raising his eyebrows as he chewed the cheesecake. "Stop messing with her," she said softly, letting her eyes shoot to me for a second, then back to him. He swallowed and raised the hand that still held the fork questioningly. "What'd I do?" he asked innocently. Brennen nudged him with his elbow and laughed. "I was just eating cheesecake. I don't know what you're talking about Tara." Colby passed me my fork back I took it, cutting into the cheesecake myself, with my head down. I was sure that my face was flaming again. Fucking Colby. I brought a piece of the delicious dessert to my mouth, and let my lips close around the fork. "Ooooo, it's like they kissed!" I heard Jake, sounding like a prepubescent child. 

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