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"I'm gonna kill you if Anna kills me," Denise huffed out, glaring at me. "Oh stop it!" I exclaimed. "We're going to be fine. Even if we get something thrown at us, it's not gonna kill us. Stop being such a wuss." We stood there arguing a little in a joking manner, until we spotted the guys walking back towards us. "Oh my God, but Corey is just so hot. I can't deal with this. I can't be this close to him," Denise groaned. I shifted uncomfortable, and glanced towards the guys. She wasn't wrong. Corey was definitely hot, as was Jake, but Colby was where my gaze went too. I just didn't see anyone else anymore. Once again, my heart flipped in my chest when I realized that this trip was going to end all too soon, just like PlayList. I shoved that feeling away and smiled as Colby walked up to me, some sort of gadgets in his hands. "Hey beautiful, did you miss me?" He asked, winking as his lips curved into that gorgeous smile. "I always do when you're not with me," I replied softly, letting my heart speak instead of my head. As he took in my words, I watched his face light up, but then a darkness shadowed his eyes, showing sadness in his face. He quickly recovered and if I hadn't watched it happen, then I would have never noticed. "Where's Sam?" Jake asked, looking around. Sam popped his head around the corner just then. "Over here. Come look at this," he replied before his head disappeared again. Jake, Corey, and Colby all exchanged looks before Colby shrugged and headed towards the area where Sam was. Denise and I followed hesitantly. When we rounded the corner, I saw Sam squatting down, tracing his fingers over something in the small mound of brick that was next to the Inn. "Look at this," he said, looking up at Colby and motioning him closer. Colby kneeled down next to him and leaned closer to the brick. "What is that?" he asked in a hushed voice. "It looks like someone carved something into the brick. Initials I think. It's hard to make out," Sam replied, taking his hand away and letting Colby lean closer to it. "That's definitely an A...do we know what Anna's last name was?" Colby asked, glancing back at Sam. "Guys, I don't like this. I just got a really weird feeling. Like, I was fine and then my chest started aching, like it did when Devyn and I.." Corey glanced up at Denise and I, then sucked his lips into his mouth for a second. "Anyway, it doesn't feel right here. Can we go?" Jake was just standing nearby doing something on his phone, not paying attention to what was going on around him at all. Sam still had the camera going, and Colby still had the gadgets in his hands besides what Corey had. I'm not even sure what all of it was, but I did recognize the Ouija board and the EMF meter. "Why don't you check the EMF meter?" I suggested pulling it out of Colby's hand and turning it on. As soon as I did, it started spiking repeatedly. "Oh my God! Look! I TOLD you guys that something wasn't right here! I told you!" Corey exclaimed, jumping up and down a little, staring wide eyed at the meter. I was kind of shocked myself, unable to take my eyes away from the little colored dots that kept lighting up in my hand. Colby took the meter from me, his fingers lightly brushing my skin, causing me to look up and meet his blue gaze. "You have to stay off camera remember? I'll take this." He sighed and looked a little anxious before he spoke again. "Can you and Denise go stand over there out of the way? We're going to need this content and I know how bad it would be if you guys were recognized so can you just...I'm sorry," he replied, the tone in his voice dropping a couple of octaves. I nodded, surprised by the hurt that I felt. I was the one that said we couldn't be in the videos so why did it hurt when he asked me to go? Denise and I moved away from them, close enough to still be able to hear and see what was going on, but far enough away to not be recognizable if we accidentally got into the frame. It was nerve wracking when they starting freaking out about the EMF, and swinging the camera from one person to the other, making Denise and I turn our backs when the camera would swing in our direction suddenly. Nothing happened besides them yelling "BRO" a few times, and the EMF going crazy when they would ask certain questions. Like "Is your name Anna? Did you make the carvings into this brick?" and "Did the man you love leave you?" It was really interesting when Jake just blurted out "Do you want to hurt us?" and the meter went crazy. "NOO JAKE!" " You can't ask that!" "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" the other guys all blurted out at the same time, making the comments meld together. Jake just shrugged and widened his eyes a little. "Isn't it better if we know?" Corey rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No brother, just no. You can't ask it that, because it's like inviting it in, giving it permission to do that." Sam sighed heavily. "Come on, let's get the inside a little more, and then we'll go to the cemetery. I think the most action happens at night anyway. We'll make sure we're up at 3 am and see what happens." Colby closed his eyes then looked up to the sky before looking at Sam. "Why do we do this again?" He asked, exasperation heavy in his voice. Sam raised his eyebrows and sucked in his lips before answering. "Because we enjoy it for the most part, and for the views Brother." 

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