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They were still playing with that damn paddle ball. I was glad that it had helped Jake stop vaping though. I knew that Colby still vaped sometimes, and I was fine with that. I didn't like that it was affecting his health but I couldn't really say anything. I vaped sometimes too and even had the occasional cigarette too. He didn't know about that. Thinking that thought just brought the fact into my mind that maybe we didn't really know each other. Maybe we were just fooling ourselves into thinking that we did, that we had some kind of magical, overwhelming connection, this almost automatic love that enveloped us both...or maybe that was just me. I know that Sam said he thought that Colby may like me more than any other girl he had been with, but that didn't really help me much. I had seen him in story's with other girls, dancing with them, and letting them hang onto him, his arm around their shoulders, or their waste, them holding him up once when he was too drunk. He couldn't really get away with doing much with the fandom. They were ruthless when they wanted to be. The girls that just so happen to be around him, got some hate but for the most part, people just wanted to know who they were. Most of them were nameless to me, because I didn't go prying. I didn't want to know, but sometimes their info and their pictures would pop up on my timeline. I started avoiding my social media unless Colby or one of my good friends messaged me. I just couldn't deal with the fact that he was out there living his best life, while I was stuck at home most of the time, pining over him. I tried to keep my fan accounts up, just by posting and then jumping off before I saw things that I didn't want to see. It was really hard to see half of the fandom shipping him with the girls, and the other half hating on her. Especially when I lowkey wanted to hate too...but that wasn't who I was. I felt like I had no right to ask about the girls since we weren't really together. My head was starting to hurt with all of the thoughts that were flying through my brain, jumbling together. "You okay?" Denise murmured, snapping me out of my head, just as there was a knock on the door. "It's probably Colby," Sam said, jumping up to open the door. My heart let out a hard throb, making me want to physically grab my chest, when he opened the door and Colby walked into the room. He looked amazing...but then again, he always did. He was wearing a black tshirt with white print, black bondage pants, with the suspenders hanging down, as well as his usual chains. His newly dyed blue hair was perfectly mussed, his blue eyes locking onto mine. His gaze never failed to take my breath away. "Everyone ready?" he asked, speaking to Sam but keeping his eyes locked onto mine. There was definitely a shadow behind them, even as he smiled at me, and reached out for my hand. I placed my palm in his and allowed him to pull me from the bed. Denise stood as well and the rest of the guys all gathered around. Sam picked up the camera and handed it to Colby, who released my hand to take it. "Let's just sort of get an overview of the place and go from there," Sam said, running his fingers through his hair before jerking his head so that it would fall perfectly into place. I admired them both for that ability, as was a little salty about it at the same time, as I ran my own fingers through my snarled hair. I really should've brushed it. "Wait, let me brush my hair really quickly," I said, opening my bag and pulling out my brush. It only took a second and then I stuffed it away and turned back to them smiling. "Okay, now I'm ready." Colby's eyes raked me from head to toe, slowly, as a slow grin formed on his face. "Don't," Sam said, eyeing him. Colby glanced at him and laughed. "What did I do brother?" "It's what you were about to do. None of us need to hear what you were thinking right then," Sam replied, grinning. Everyone else laughed while I just grinned and felt my cheeks turn red again. "Alright, let's go," Colby said, getting the camera ready and turning his back to me so that he could film. They had already done the intro and everything so this was just them talking about the haunted history of the place. "So, the Inn that we're staying at, the 17hundred90 Inn is now a local bed and breakfast. It dates all the way to back to 1820." Sam said, speaking to the camera. "Bro, this place is older than my grandma," Jake replied. Corey let out a loud laugh, which in turn made Denise and I giggle. We tried to be quiet since we knew we weren't supposed to be in the video. Jake shrugged and went back to his paddle ball as we made our way down the stairs, and around the building, entering the bar area again. "We've actually rented out the most haunted room of course. Room 204. The legend says that a young woman named Anna was left heartbroken when her sailor skipped town and she ended up jumping to her death from the balcony of the inn," Sam continued. "Oh my God, that's so sad," Colby replied, keeping the camera on Sam, then panning out to Corey and Jake. Jake was uninterested, still playing with his toy, but Corey's eyes had grown larger, a little fear on his face. "Now she remains haunting her former room. She has been seen standing by the bed and is often heard sobbing in the night. She also tends to move guests' belongings around as well." "BRO, that's what happened last night! It was Anna moving the chair and messing with the lamp!" Corey exclaimed.

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