105 Colby's POV

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I couldn't believe it. I didn't really think that she would come back to Savannah with me...but here she was pretending to be sick. "But you know what I heard was great for when you don't feel good?" I asked. "What?" she whimpered, still acting. "A change of scenery and some good old fashioned ghost hunting," I replied, turning my head to wink at her. She giggled a little, the sound music to my ears, a light tilting laugh. I held my hand out, palm up, hoping that she would take it. She looked down at it, while I looked back to the road. Then I felt her palm meet mine, ,and her fingers intertwine with my own. I sighed quietly, loving the feeling of normalcy that came with being with her. It wasn't weird or awkward anymore. It just felt right. We both knew that it wasn't going to last, that I had to leave soon, and there was no telling when we would see each other again. But for now...it was about us. I raised her hand to my lips, and pressed them gently to her skin, before putting her hand back down in my lap. Neither of us said anything, until we reached her apartment. The air in the car was now a little thicker, a little more awkward, and I knew why. I parked and turned the car off before leaning  back in my seat and looking at her. She was nervously chewing her bottom lip and twirling a lock of her hair around her fingers. 
"Terra, I don't expect anything. If you're going with me to Savannah, then we both need to be up early. I told you that I don't mind getting a hotel..." I let my voice trail off, watching her reaction. She looked up at me, biting her bottom lip, a look of disbelief on her face. "What? Why would you get a hotel? No Colby, I want you to stay. I never thought that you expected anything. I mean we haven't seen each other in months. You know I'm not that kind of girl, even though I've definitely thought about it many times," she exclaimed running her hand through her thick hair, and sighing heavily. I felt that familiar stirring in my belly and tried to shove it down. Tonight wasn't about that and I wasn't going to make her feel like it was. But she was rambling again. "I mean, being here alone, knowing that you were out partying in LA with all of those model girls, while I was sitting here shoving popcorn and chocolate down my throat. You would think that I'd be ready to jump your bones, but no, not me. Not Miss Morality over here. Never mind the fact that I've wanted to tear that shirt off of you chest since I first saw you tonight. That doesn't matter because of who I am." Okay, she was killing me. I needed her to shut up, before I was the one doing the shirt tearing. "I mean, knowing that you're going to be sleeping in-" I leaned forwards, and caught her lips with mine, letting my tongue explore with her own. Her eyes popped open in surprise, before she moaned into my open mouth, and her eyelids fluttered  shut. I closed my own, and let our bodies just respond to one another for a few moments. By the time I broke the kiss, we were both breathing heavily, leaning uncomfortably over the center of the car console. "Well..." she replied, her voice a little husky. "That's an effective way to tell me to shut up, I guess." The corners of my lips tilted up as I laughed gently at what she said. I simply winked, then got out of the car, and walked around to her side. She already had her door opened, and was standing, when I made it around. I took her hand, and pulled her away from the car, while I closed the door. We didn't speak as we walked up the few flights of stairs to her apartment. We stood quietly as she fished around for her keys, inside of her purse, until she found them. Once she opened the door, I followed her inside, and took my jacket off, folding it over the nearby bar stool. It was a nice place. I could see little pieces of her personality, mixed with Denise's scattered throughout the main room. "My room is this way," she said softly, pointing towards a door to the far right. I nodded, and followed behind her. the room itself was actually pretty cool. It had the air of maturity, but still trying to stay young. The walls were painted a brighter blue that faded into black when it worked it's way down to the bottom. The trim was painted silver, which seemed to work well with making it similar to a night sky. There was a cork board with printed photos of her and her friends hanging on the right side of her bed, a string of baby blue fairy lights tracing around it. Then one of the photos caught my eye. I sidestepped Terra, who was telling me that the bathroom was through the adjoining door, so that I could get a closer look at the pictures. I felt my lips turn up in a half grin, when I could make out what the pictures actually were. There were ones of her and her friends, Sarah, Denise, and Kenzie, acting silly, drinking, pouring champagne over each other's heads. There were a few with people I didn't know, Terra looked happy in them. Then there were the ones that I didn't really care for. Justin sitting next to her on the couch, his arm around her shoulders like it was supposed to be there. Justin dancing with her at the club. Justin standing next to her, his arm draped lazily around her waist. I shook off the jealousy and looked at the next ones that had originally caught my eye. It was me. Well, me and my friends. Some were from PlayList, when we were just hanging out. One of me sitting up in bed, next to Terra, on the night that we stayed up all night talking. 

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