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Colby was grinding on the floor! My mouth fell open, as Denise and Kenzie literally screamed. I was speechless, when they finally finished and walked back up to us. "Damn, that was a lot harder than I remember it being," Sam said, his voice strained from being out of breath. Colby gave a breathless laugh, and nodded. "I've always wanted to do that dance with you guys. I feel left out," Brennen said, walking up to us, holding Sarah's hand. The fuck was going on here? She looked extremely happy about it and winked at me when I caught her eye. "Next time brother," Colby replied, picking his drink up from the table that we were standing next too, and taking a few swallows. I picked up my can and popped the top, tasting it hesitantly. I had never had White Claw before. The tartness hit my tongue first, but it was followed by a sweet, sweet aftertaste, reminding me of cherry flavored candy. "Oh wow," I exclaimed, bringing the can down. "That's actually really good. Tastes just like cherry." That earned a smiled from all of them...except there was a couple missing. Literally, the couple. Jake and Tara were nowhere to be found. "Where's Jake and Tara?" I asked, standing on my tip toes so that I could try to see over the guys. That didn't work. "They said they were going outside to the sidewalk area for a while. Think they're about ready to go. Same really. We have another long day tomorrow." He swung Sarah around towards him, and she squeal of laughter. "So many fans to please, so little time," he said gruffly, placing his hands on her hips. "You only have to worry about one for now," Sarah replied, batting her eyelashes up at him. This was actually making me a little nauseous...or maybe I was jealous that she could just go for it like that. She was laying it on thick though. "Yeah, okay. We don't really need to get drunk tonight anyways. The last night...it's on," Colby said, clasping Brennen's hand in his own for a second. "Hell yeah Brother." I pulled out my phone, and checked the time, before letting out a groan. "It's almost 3 am. Time for us to go too probably." My friends nodded in sullen agreement. We were tired, but we didn't want the night with all of them to end. This was a once in a lifetime event, and when it was over...it was just a memory. All of us wouldn't fit in one Uber, obviously, so Sam got two to take us all back to the hotel. We were mostly sober, considering that we didn't drink much in the first place, and we were tired, so there wasn't much talking. Somehow, the groups had gotten split up. Me, Denise, Colby, and Sam were in the one car, while the rest were in the other. I had ended up in the middle of the back seat, squished in between Colby and Denise, while Sam sat up front with the driver. I was still nervous being this close to him, his entire side being pressed up against my own, but I think I was too tired for my body to react the way it usually did.  The warmth radiating off of his body was pleasant against the cool night air that the windows were letting in. The driver apparently liked riding with the windows down, instead of using AC. That was fine by me. I loved it. The city lights illuminated the palm trees and tourist stores that were scattered around on our way back to the hotel. Honestly wanted to check my fan pages, answer dms and comments, maybe talk in the group chats, but I wouldn't dare sitting right next to HIM. Colby sat quietly on his own phone, while Sam chatted with Denise and I. I didn't talk much but I answered every question he asked, and asked a few of my own. Sam was so warm, and open. An old soul that craved more and more information about the world, and life experiences. It was amazing to watch to his eyes light up, as he turned to us, sharing more of his wisdom. These guys were more than just stupid funny videos, or even scary videos. They were wise beyond their years, always cared about others, inspiring and just so much more. Colby let out a quiet chuckle and I glanced over, my eyes automatically going to his phone to see what was funny. I wasn't trying to intrude, it was just instinct. He was scrolling through his mentions on Twitter, reading through things that fans had been writing about him, or him and Sam. He scrolled up, and I gasped as I saw one of my tweets slide across the screen. His eyes jerked to mine, the smile still on his face. "What's up? Something wrong?" I bit my lip, and shook my head, looking away from him to Denise. She was still talking to Sam about something, so I nudged her quietly with my hand. She looked over to me, finishing her sentence. I nodded my head very gently, towards Colby and his phone. She looked at him, then back to me, mouthing "What is he doing?" I leaned closer to her because I knew she wouldn't be able to see what I was saying. Getting right next to her ear and being as quiet as I possibly could, I whispered "reading his indirects and mentions, I think. I just saw my fan page." This bitch started laughing, drawing everyone's attention. I could've killed her. Instead, I just glared at her, bringing my finger to my lips. She slapped her hand over her mouth, but it was too late. "What's so funny?" Colby asked, leaning sideways, hanging a little over my lap, while his arm rested on the seat behind me. Denise shook her head, but caught my eye again, and started laughing harder. All I could do was glare. I felt Colby nudge me, so I had to look at him. Had to look into those intense blue eyes with that intense fucking stare.

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