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He had just come back from my favorite Chinese restaurant back home, bringing me a bag of egg rolls and crab rangoons on the side. "Aw thank you, I love you," I replied happily, overjoyed with the surprise. He raised his eyebrows and met my gaze. "I love you too," he replied softly, his light eyes meeting mine. After staring at him a moment, I dropped the bag of food and fell into his arms, just as he moved forwards and met me. His soft lips met mine, and the kiss was one of the most intense that I had ever received, only beaten by one other person. Emotion flooded my heart and soul, letting me know that I actually did love him and as more than a friend. Somewhere along the way of him helping me, the friendship had grown into way more. I was happy that it did. Justin had been my home for three years. First, as my friend, now as my lover. And I did love him. Maybe it wasn't the all consuming passion that I had had with Colby, but maybe that wasn't what I needed. Colby had been an addiction in a way. Once he was gone, I couldn't deal with it and had to fill that void with other addictions. I hated to think of it that way. I didn't have any hard feelings towards Colby, and we had both agreed that the separation was for the best. While I couldn't succumb to being his fan any longer, I still wished the best for him and hoped that he was happy. I had to admit to myself that it still hurt for me to think of him being with anyone else, but I could accept it. I just couldn't see it. That was part of the reason that I had stopped following him. Besides the pain that came from me seeing his pictures, or his stories, or even his tweets, I knew that one day, he would find someone that he would share with the fandom. I couldn't be around when that day came. I knew that I had Justin now and I really did love him...but I would never be able to completely let Colby go. I had tried. I had completely removed him from my life, but somehow he still crept back in. In the middle of the night, when I was sleeping, infiltrating my dreams, or during the day, he might randomly pop into my mind, all the times that we had shared, or wondering what he's up to at that exact moment. I sighed and looked over to Justin. "Thank you," I replied, placing my hand on his cheek lovingly. "I couldn't have done it without you. I couldn't have done any of it without you. I love you. You know that right?" He smiled at me, that sweet loving smile that I had grown so accustomed to over these last few years. "I do know that," he replied, leaning in to kiss me. I let it grow heated, tangling my fingers in the back of his hair, while his arms circled my waist, turning me towards him. When we broke apart, we were both breathing heavily. "You sure you don't want to just stay in and celebrate?" he asked, his voice a couple of octaves lower than before. I laughed, and leaned away from him. "I'm sure. This is a big moment for me and I want to share it with everyone that has been here for me," I replied, giddy again from the excitement. "I start Monday morning. They already have my first gig lined up. I'm so excited!" He laughed at me bouncing my knees up and down and the extra large grin that I had on my face. "Okay, well if we aren't staying home, we should definitely get ready. We only have a little while. Are we meeting the girls there or are they coming over?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I'll text them." While he was in the shower, I texted Denise and asked if they were going to meet us here or at the club. She texted back that they would just meet us there. We agreed on a meeting spot, then I went to get ready. Since I had already showered, all I had to do was pick the best outfit, and do my makeup and hair. I rifled through the few dresses that I owned and picked one that I knew Justin loved. It was blue, to match the streaks that I kept in my hair, a deep, vibrant blue that would make my eyes more blue than green. The front dropped down into a deep V that stopped in between my breasts, and had a light dusting of small diamond looking jewels tracing the bodice area. I pulled it own and stood in front of my floor length mirror. Nice. I grabbed the heels that matched it perfectly, and slid them on. There. Almost perfect. The dress clung to my curves, accentuating them all, dipping and flowing where it needed too. It fell to just above my fingertips if I held my arms down by my side. Maybe a little much for the club but I was celebrating so who cared? It's what I wanted to wear. I did my makeup, a smoky look, with a midnight blue being the base for the eyes. I was still working on that when Justin got out of the shower. He walked over to me, nothing but a towel hanging off of his well formed body. "Damn, you look amazing," he replied. I looked up and saw that familiar look that he would get in his eyes. "Uh uh, nope, back away sir," I replied, laughing. "Take your naked self away from me right now. I have to finish getting ready and so do you." He laughed, and nodded, walking over to his closet. I decided to leave my hair down but brought my clip for when I knew I would get too hot from dancing. Once we were both ready to go, I grabbed my matching clutch purse, and we headed downstairs from our apartment to find our Uber. It wasn't hard to find thankfully, and after fighting LA traffic, we finally arrived at our destination. I saw Denise and the other girls standing by the back wall waiting for us.

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