35 (Colby's POV)

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I didn't plan this and I wasn't so sure this was a good idea. I was drawn to this girl and I didn't really understand why. She was a fan and I had to go back to LA in a few days. This was definitely not a good idea. "So, I had fun," I said, looking down at her. She nodded. "Me too. Thanks for hanging out with us. That was really nice of you guys. Besides the whole fight thing, it was great," She joked. I held my hand up and looked at it. That's when I first noticed the bloody, bruised knuckles. "I don't know. That part was kind of fun too," he replied. "Oh my God, your hand," she exclaimed, grabbing it gently, and turned it to look at my knuckles. It wasn't horribly bad, but my hands were red, and the knuckles were split, with dried blood on them. "I've had worse," I replied, my voice a little deeper than normal. She was being so gentle, her fingertips tracing lightly over the swollen skin. I felt a pull in the pit of my stomach, and drew my hand away from her. There was no way that I was going to act on that. I had learned a long time ago that situations like this were never good. They never worked out. Long distance, plus too much pressure on me with the fans, not to mention the girls usually ended up hurt by it too. Even the one night stands. I hated even thinking things like this, but the truth was the truth. I knew that all I had to do was ask if the girls wanted to come back to my room and they would. But it was only because of my name, who they thought I was. They didn't really know me. I wasn't so sure that Terra would say yes, even if I asked. Besides, I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn't take advantage of the fame when it came my way, I wouldn't take advantage of the fans. Not anymore...but I needed to say goodnight to Terra now, before I changed my mind. Her face flushed when I drew my hand back, and she brought her own hand up to run through her hair nervously. It was cute and it did nothing to help the want that I had for her. "Sorry, I just didn't realize you had hurt yourself," she replied, her voice sounding dry before she cleared her throat. "I'll be fine. It's not that bad. I think he got the worst end because I didn't take off my rings," I replied, holding my hand up to flash the bulky rings at her. She smiled, and it lit up her entire face. I actually felt unsteady for a moment. What was it about this girl? She was beautiful sure, they all were in their own way. I lived in LA, surrounded by beautiful girls that did their best to measure up to society's standards. This girl though...she looked like she wasn't even trying. I mean, yeah, she had makeup on, but it was smeared from how hot we got when we were dancing. Her hair was wind blown and slightly tangled, hanging around her face. I liked her style, comfort casual, but sexy as fuck. Her eyes...her eyes could almost take a man down. Nervousness shown through the aqua orbs, also happiness, but I could see that little bit of uncertainty buried underneath. I'm not sure why, but I feel like I've always been able to see a little bit of a person through their eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, right? I never really know if I'm right because I don't get to have deep conversations with anyone usually except for Sam. Her hair fell over her eyes as she tilted her head to the side, and my hand automatically shot out, pushing it behind her ear. I could almost swear that their was an electric current buzzing around us, waiting to be plugged in. I should go to my room. Yep, before anything happens. "Well, we have another full day ahead of us so I'm gonna go to bed. I had a lot of fun tonight Terra. Thanks for keeping me company," I said, taking her hand. I only planned on kissing her hand, being a gentleman, but I saw her eyelids flutter a little as she looked up at me. I couldn't seem to stop myself. So I pulled her towards me slowly, giving her ample time to tell me no. She didn't. I leaned down, and pressed my lips to her soft, pale ones gently, just for a second. I've kissed loads of girls, so this shouldn't have been a big deal. It was just a kiss. But there was something different. I felt that electric current shoot through me, from her lips, stealing my breath, hearing her low gasp. I couldn't stop myself from pressing harder, and swiping my tongue along her bottom lip, wanting to go deeper. She opened for me, and I tasted her, the black cherry flavor from her drink still sitting on her tongue. I gripped her waist tightly, pulling her body against me, feeling her bare skin where her short shirt ended. No, this was bad. I shouldn't be doing this. People could see and this was never going to work. I already knew she probably thought she was in love with me, like the rest of them...but there was something different about her. Nope, it didn't matter. I broke the kiss, and pulled back quickly. I groaned a little when I saw her pink, swollen lips, ravaged from our kiss. Fuck. What did I do? I dragged my hand through my hair, and met her gaze. She was confused, her eyes out of focus. Was she in shock? "Terra, you okay?" I watched reality come back to her eyes, and she nodded a little, breathing unsteadily. That would give a guy a big head. But what if she told? I didn't want to think that but I didn't know the girl. Not really. Sure, she hadn't said anything so far that I know of about anything that had happened, but still. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done that. Please don't tell anyone. I can't have this coming down on me too. Please." 

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