157 Colbys POV

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"Colbyyyyy, pleeeassseee! I wanna go out tonight. Hang out with everyone. It's been foreveeerrr," Kira exclaimed, pulling me by my hands over to the bed so she could sit down. I laughed at her dramatic behavior. "Kira, we went out the weekend before last. You know that I don't like to go out all the time," I replied, pulling my hands away gently. I had only been seeing her seriously for about 6 months. This was the first relationship that I had been in since Terra, three years ago. I had no idea if it would last, but I did really like her and maybe I could love her one day. There had been quite a few girls since Terra, but none had meant anything. They were just a way for me to pass the time. I hated that but it was true. It's not that I wasn't looking for love, because I was. Maybe not at first, but once I was able to push her to the back of my mind, and accept the fact that she may not be the one, then I started to really pay attention to these others girls. I did move through them kind of quick. The guys would give me shit about it, calling me a player and such. That's not what I was doing. I just knew that if I didn't see anything in them, or feel like it might turn into something more, then there was no point in continuing the so called relationship. I eventually stopped dating all together. The months kept rolling by and Terra eventually moved to the back of my mind instead of the front. With Sam, Jake, and Corey's help, I managed to get back on track and start posting again. I even managed to stop fake laughing and started to really laugh. Terra was still there, in the back of my mind. I believed she would always be there. A fond memory for me to look back on one day. I still tried to avoid thinking about her for the most part. I stopped looking at her Instagram pages, and even her Twitter. She was barely posting and when she did, it just made it worse. The last time I checked it, she had posted her and Justin on her Insta, and changed her profile picture to them. On Twitter, she had stated how happy she was and how thankful she was for him and her friends. I was glad that she was happy but I was dying because I wasn't with her, I wasn't part of the reason that she was happy. I only made her sad. I was actually mulling this thought over in my mind, when I accidently bumped into Kira, while I was walking down the sidewalk towards my Uber. "Oh, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I asked, pulling her up from the ground. She nodded, and brushed her clothes off. "You know, you should really watch where you're going," she replied, looking up at me. The eyes. That's what got me. A sort of blue and green mixture. Aqua even. She had Terra's eyes. The pain that I felt rip through my chest from that realization almost brought me to my knees. I hadn't thought of Terra, like really thought of her, in so long. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," she replied, when I kept staring at her without speaking. "Oh..um...yeah, sorry. It's just, you remind me of someone that I used to know," I finally choked out. She smiled at me. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I laughed a little, because honestly, I wasn't sure how to answer. "A good thing...I think. Would you like to grab some coffee or something? Let me make up for knocking  you to the ground," I replied. "I'd love too, but I'm actually running late for a meeting. Let me see your phone and I'll give you my number," she said, holding her hand out. I didn't think twice, just handed it over. Terra was the only other female, not in the friend group, that I had ever let hold my phone. She put her number in, then handed it back. She smiled again, a smile that I found myself wanting to see more of. "There ya go. Now don't forget how to use it," she said, before giving me a small wave, and getting into the car that was next to us on the curb. I stood there and watched the car drive away, a little dumbfounded by what had just happened. Kira was the name that showed up in my contacts. I immediately texted her. "Hey, this is Colby. The guy that knocked you to the ground. Thought I would give you my name, since you didn't ask. How about we get together this weekend?" That was the beginning of our relationship. Honestly, it had been a great few months. Our six month anniversary was tonight actually. I fully intended on taking her out, but I had a surprise planned. "Colby, you can't be serious!" She exclaimed, standing back up and putting her arms around my waist. "It's a special day and you haven't said anything about it. Don't you even know what today is?" she asked. I almost felt bad when I answered her. "Special? Oh yeah, Sam and I hit 8 mil on our duo channel. I almost forgot. Sam did want to go out earlier. I'll check in and see what he wants to do." Her face fell and I almost blurted out the entire plan. I hated to hurt her. "Yeah...of course. See what Sam wants to do," she replied, before dropping her arms and turning her back to me. I pretended to not let it bother me and texted Sam, while Kira started to get ready. "Hey brother, we celebrating tonight?" I asked. Sam already knew about the plan so he knew that I was asking was everything set up for tonight. He laughed into the phone. "Hell yea, we are. Not every day we get to celebrate something like this. I was thinking have a nice dinner with the friend group, hit the club, then maybe a stroll on the beach at night." 

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