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He climbed in, and started the car, then put his phone on the music playlist that he wanted to listen too. He looked at me and smiled. "Ready to explore some haunted shit?" he asked. "Hell yes," I replied. "Let's do this !!!" Denise yelled from the back, banging her hands on both of our seats. "I thought you had a hangover," I replied, looking back at her. She smiled and shrugged. "It seemed to disappear as soon as you said I would meet Corey. Plus I took some Tylenol. I'm good. Let's GOOO!" Colby and I laughed at her enthusiasm as he pulled out of the parking lot. We went through a McDonald's drive thru for a little breakfast, stopped at a store for some energy drinks, then continued on our way. A couple of hours later, I was looking up, through the windshield at a worn, white, two story bed and breakfast, in Savannah Georgia. "Okay, this is it," Colby said, as he parked and killed the engine on the car. He glanced at me and smiled before getting out of the car. Denise and I followed, and took our bags from Colby, before following him towards the building. "Why am I nervous?" I muttered to myself as I looked up at the building. It wasn't exactly creepy, but it wasn't not creepy either. I had a weird feeling about the place. Maybe it's just because Colby had told me that they were staying at the most haunted place they could find. Of course they were. I shook my head, and rolled my eyes, as I followed behind him up the stairs. "Oh my God, I'm about to meet Corey," Denise whispered, as we stopped in front of what I assumed was Colby's room. "I'm freaking out T! I can't fucking breathe!" I laughed quietly and caught my tongue between my teeth when I noticed Colby glance back at me. He just chuckled and shook his head while he set his camera down on the bed. "Looks like Sam isn't here. I'm gonna text him and see where they are. Set your stuff anywhere. We'll figure out the room situation later. Sam and I will probably just rent another room out for you guys," he said, pulling his phone out. Denise and I looked at each other, then dropped our stuff down against the side wall, out of the way. We sat down on the other bed to wait on Colby to talk to Sam. "T," Neece whispered, gripping my hand. "What if Corey doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm too loud, or annoying, or" "Shut up!" I exclaimed quietly. "He'll love you. We've gotten along with the entire friend group that we've met so far. I'm sure Corey will be just as amazing. You know he will be. He's a goofball, and you can see the sweetness just radiating from his pores. He'll love you." She sighed, let go of my hand, and pushed her hair back. "Okay...thanks. I'm gonna freshen up a bit." She grabbed her brush and makeup bag, then made her way to the bathroom. Colby was still speaking quietly on the phone, but looked up as she passed him. "Yeah, okay. We'll meet  you down there soon. I know Brother. I have the camera. I'm not going to forget it. I'm the one who remembers everything, remember?" I laughed at his little joke, and he caught my eye and grinned. "Tell Sam I said hi," I replied. "Terra says hi. Yeah, we'll all be down in just a few. Don't go anywhere without me. You have to tell me what happened last night. Okay. Later." He hung up the phone, then stood and walked over to me. He sighed as he sat down next to me, then lay back on the bed, his arms behind his head. I turned sideways so that I could look at him. "What did he say?" I asked, laying my hand across the small stretch of stomach that was exposed from his lifted shirt. He moved one hand and lay it on top of mine. "They're down stairs getting lunch. He's ready to start filming. Apparently, something happened in our room last night but he wasn't filming, then his camera messed up." I inhaled sharply. "What happened?" I asked nervously. I mean, I love scary stuff, and hauntings, and watching their YouTube channels but actually being in the presence of something was entirely different. I wanted to experience it, but it still made me nervous. He kind of shrugged, then pulled me down next to him. "I don't know. He'll tell me when we get down there. What is she doing in there anyways?" he asked, referring to Denise in the bathroom. "Getting pretty for Corey," I giggled out. "Same thing I did at Playlist, every time I thought I was going to see you." I lay my head across his chest, and listened to his deep chuckled and his heartbeat. There was no way that I would ever be able to stop loving this man. No matter what happened, I would always be his. Even if he didn't want me. "If I remember right, the first time I saw you, your hair was windblown, your cheeks flushed from embarrassment, because you weren't watching where you were going," he replied, with a joking tone. I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Don't remind me. I know I'm clumsy but I don't think I've ever embarrassed myself more in front of one person. Can't seem to help it with you." I lifted my head to meet his gaze, and saw the smile cross his face. "I like that. That I'm the one that makes you so nervous that you embarrass yourself." I smiled back, but there was a dark pit in my stomach. I realized that I hadn't really made him embarrass himself. Not that I could remember. So I wasn't the one who did that for him. I pushed the dark thoughts away, and leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth, before pressing my lips to his. "I'm not as bad as I was. I think I'm getting used to you now," I said, tapping his nose with my finger. "Is that right?" he asked, a devilish glint growing in his eyes. 

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