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We all ordered our food, then found a table to sit at. The servers would bring our food and drinks out to us when it was ready. Kat and Tara sat next to each other on one side of the table, leaving Colby and I to sit next to one another on the other side. He grinned at me and pulled out my chair for me to sit. I sat, then scooted my chair closer to the table. I tried not to be so obviously aware of how close he was to me. What the hell? I had already slept with this man, something I still couldn't believe, but I was having hot flashes about how close he was sitting to me? I needed to be checked into a mental hospital apparently, because I was obviously crazy. "I can't believe you're actually here!" Tara exclaimed, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand. I saw Colby from the corner of my eye. He leaned back in his chair and smiled at Tara and I. "I know, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys that I was here sooner. There were a lot of ..." I glanced at Colby quickly, then back to her. "Factors involved," I finished. She pursed her lips and held my gaze. "We get it," Kat said, smiling at me. "We can talk about that later. Let's catch up right now. Tell us what you've been up too." So I started talking about how I realized that what I really wanted to do was be a photographer and how Justin helped me reach my goals. "So moving to LA was one of those goals. Justin and I had already been together for six months. My friends moved out here with me, pursuing their own dreams. I know you guys remember them? Denise, Sarah, and Kenzie?" "Oh, of course! Kenzie was such a sweetheart, "Kat replied, putting her hand over her heart and sticking her bottom lip out. I remembered how obsessed Kenz used to be with Katrina and how she had stuck to her like glue once we met and became friends. I nodded, with a smile. "Yeah, she is. So all of them moved out here with me, Justin included. I lived with my friends for about six months before Justin asked me to move in with him. "I felt Colby's eyes drilling into me but I kept my eyes on the girls." I agreed, and we've been living together ever since. Anway, the other girls would love to see you! How about we set up a night to go out? Just us girls, "I emphasized the last line so that Colby would know he wasn't invited this time. I didn't know he was invited today though, so maybe he just didn't care." we have to do that! "Tara exclaimed." Friday night. Colby, "her yes flicked to his, her gaze becoming stern." This is a GIRLS ONLY night. You GUYS are NOT invited. Understand? "He licked his bottom, a grin forming on his face, while he nodded." Yeah, I got it. You know Jake isn't going to like it. He hates being without you. He's so damn whiny when you're not hanging out with him. "Tara giggled." I'm replying to you guys to keep him entertained for me. Okay? Think you can do that? "" Yeah, I'm sure we can handle it. We'll probably just drink a little and film some stupid videos. You know, the usual, "he replied. I let out the breath that I hadn't realized I was holding, and caught Kat watching me. Why did they have to be so damn observant?" Let me deal with this ... whatever this was, on my own? Ugh. The server brewed our food out then, and started setting plates all around the table, filled with different subs, a mini pizza for Kat, and our desserts. We thanked him, and started finding our own plates. Colby pushed a small dessert plate towards me. I looked down at it, and caught my breath again. Cheesecake. The dessert that I had ordered in Florida. I had told him it was my favorite, and he remembered. My heart felt like it was trying to jump out of my mouth, but kept getting stuck in my throat and tears sprang to my eyes. I didn't look up, just kept staring at that mouthwatering dessert like it meant something monumental, but I couldn't help it. He remembered a small detail that I had mentioned from years ago. Something that I didn't even find important, but he had remembered. "I thought you might like a slice too. I know it's your favorite," he replied softly, pushing the plate a little closer with his fingers. I cleared my throat, and wiped under my eyes to catch any makeup that might have been messed up. "Yeah, it is. Thank you. I didn't even see it on the menu," I replied, thankful that my voice was mostly steady. "You're welcome," he said simply, a small smile forming on his face, while he picked up his sandwich and dug in. We ate in comfortable silence for a short while, then Kat broke the silence. "Oooo girl, your hour is almost up. We gotta get you back to your office, like, now. Let me get some go-to plates to carry the rest home." I nodded and sat back, rubbing my swollen belly. Colby left money in the order book, and we got up to leave. Once we were back on the sidewalk, Kat, Tara, and I were laughing about how full we were, and how delicious most everything was. "How was the cheesecake?" Tara asked, wagging her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes, and held up my to-go plate. "Don't know. Haven't tried it." "It's sooo good though!" Colby exclaimed, his blue eyes going wide.I shrugged. "I'll eat it at home or something," I replied laughing. "I'll text you and let you know how it tastes. Deal ?," I offered, holding out my hand for him to shake. Once again, I was almost knocked on my ass by that smile but that was the least of my worries. Okay, maybe one of my bigger worries, but for now, not important. 

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