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Sam and Brennen were still in the chairs next to the balcony, Jake and Tara were sitting on Denise's bed and, of course, Colby was just laid back on mine. In the spot that I had vacated about an hour ago. He sat up and smiled when we walked in. "Ready for breakfast?" he asked, like he didn't just see me half naked. He was gonna ignore this too, I guess. "Yeah, sorry about that Terra. I should've clarified before just walking in like that.." Tara chewed her bottom lip, looking at me apologetically. I smiled at her, as I walked to my suitcase and dug out my makeup bag. "Call me T. It's fine, really. Don't worry about it. That was my fault. Ugh!" I let out an aggravated groan, trying to get the zipper unstuck on my makeup bag. "Stupid thing is always giving me problems," I said, turning back to face them all again. "I actually have an extra one. Or an extra few really. Devyn gave me a couple. You can have one. I always have so many bags with me, just in case. You know, different makeup looks for different occasions," she replied, flipping her hand out. "No, that's okay!"I exclaimed, tugging on the zipper again until it popped open. "This one is fine." I didn't want them thinking that I wanted anything from them, besides their company. "No, really. I can honestly go grab it really quick. I'll be right back." She jumped up and was out the door before I could object again. "Well...okay," I said quietly, looking at the closed door. I heard Jake's deep laugh and glanced at him. He had a big smile on his face, full of love. "She loves to help. Tara is a sweetheart," he said, meeting my gaze. I swear, I could hear how much he loved her in his voice...that must be nice. I had never really known real love. I thought I did, but I was young and found out the guy was really only interested in what I had to offer him. In more ways than one. Actually, there were a few guys. I tended to fall in love fast and very easily. With Colby, I knew that I wasn't actually IN love...even though, I truly did somehow develop strong feelings for him.  I didn't really know him, so I couldn't be. I was in love with who he portrayed himself to be on screen, but I had no idea if that was really him, or if it was just who he let the world see. I knew for a fact that there was more to him than what he chose to show the world though. Only now, being around him in person, seeing how he truly reacts to things, being close enough to touch him...those feelings were telling me that I was lying to myself and that I did truly love this man. I shook my head, trying to clear it, as I smiled at Jake. "You can tell that she is. Even through a screen, Tara seems like the sweetest person. Always so nice and kind to everyone. You're a lucky man Jake." He grinned like he had just won the lottery or something. "I know," was all he replied, as he sat back against the headboard. My friends found seats around the room. Sarah thought she was slick but I knew what she was doing when sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, stretching her legs out in front of her so that her foot brushed Brennen's. He glanced at her and smiled, then looked away. Didn't move his foot though. Kenzie sat in the chair at the little desk next to the dresser, close to the TV, and Denise sat on the foot of her bed my bed, on the other side of Colby. Tara came back in a few minutes later, carrying a freaking silver and grey diamond designed Gucci make up bag, tossing it to me. I caught it in midair, looking from it to her. "What? No! Tara, I can't take this. It's too much." She shrugged and laughed. "It's really not. It was given to me, and I actually have another one. It's not a big deal. I know this place where you can get them cheaper than at the actual store so it wasn't as much as you think it was. Real Gucci though. Consider it a thank you gift, if you want." I shook my head. "You guys have thanked us enough," I murmured, turning the bag over in my hand, looking at the craftsmanship, and how well it was put together. I don't think I had ever owned a makeup bag that worth more than twenty bucks. What was the point? It was just going to get powder, and stuff all over it anyways. "T, put your damn makeup in it and shut up. It's yours," Tara laughed. "If it makes you feel better, I'll make Colby buy me a new one, since it was him that you helped." "Hey!" I heard Colby laugh out. I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. He truly looked happy...then I remembered what I had seen on social media last night. "We should eat. You definitely wanna eat before you do your makeup. Plus we need to hurry because we have to be at a meeting in a few," Tara said, grabbing the white bags off of the bed where she had placed them. Now that I wasn't freaking out about being half naked, I noticed that it was McDonald's bags. She passed out the wrapped biscuits and hashbrowns to everyone, then dumped the jelly and ketchup on the bed. "Take what you need. There's plenty." I grabbed a package of grape jelly, and a ketchup, then unfolded my biscuit ,using the wrapper as a plate on the bed. We kind of ate quietly, only the sounds of wrappers, and chewing filling the room. After a little while, Colby cleared his throat. "So...I'm sure you've seen what's going on social media about what happened?" I looked up from my food, and met his worried gaze. I nodded slowly, swallowing the food that was still in my mouth. "Yeah...I saw. I'm sorry you have to deal with this." He kind of shrugged, but I could see the hurt on his face. "It's fine. It'll blow over. It always does."

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