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Just seeing those guys acting silly brought Colby and the guys back to my mind. I sighed and sat down, putting my bags in the chair next to me, while Denise sat across from me. "They're pretty cute," she said, nodding towards the guys. I glanced over, and accidentally caught the eye of one of them. He was pretty cute. Brown hair, fucking blue eyes...are you shitting me right now? WHY? What did I ever do for the universe to be against me like this? He gave me a shy smile, then flipped his hair away from his eyes. My stomach gave a little twirl, but it wasn't because of this guy. It was because Colby was back in the front of my mind. I remembered when he was lying next to me in the hotel bed, just staring at me while I answered some of the questions that he kept answering me. His fingertips trailed over my side, while he kept that intense eye contact, his hair falling over his forehead. He had flipped his head, just like this guy had done to get it out of his eyes. "I'm Justin," he said, holding my gaze. I hadn't realized that I was still looking at him, lost in my own little world like I was. I really didn't want to talk to anyone, but I couldn't be rude. I smiled at him, and nodded my head. "Terra. Nice to meet you. This is my friend Denise." I pointed at Necee, who grinned at him with her whole face. His friend, on the other side of him, suddenly jumped up, a soda splashing all over the table and the floor, ice going everywhere. Justin jumped up, shoving his chair back and yelling, as a lot of the liquid fell onto his pants. Denise and I looked at each other, then busted out laughing. I couldn't help it. Their reactions were just too funny. His other friend had reached across the table to slap at the guy sitting next to him and accidentally knocked his drink over. He wasn't bothering to help either, just sitting in his seat, laughing hysterically, while the other guys grabbed napkins and started blotting their crotches. "Can you at least help clean the table up? Damn it Shawn! This isn't cool bro," Justin replied, annoyance evident in his voice. "Oh shut the fuck up. You're just pissed because I messed up you trying to hit on hot girls. You'll get over it," the friend replied, still laughing, then winking at Denise and I. Denise and I grinned, and shook our heads, then turned back to our food. I was dipping my nugget in my Ranch when my phone let me know that I had a text. I slid it over to me, wiped my hands, then opened the message. It was from Kat. I hadn't heard from her at all. How did she even have my number? "Hey Terra, this is Kat. Kat Stuart. Just wanted to say hi! Colby gave me your number. I didn't think you'd mind." Okay, but this was weird. Katrina Stuart was texting me and for what? I showed Denise the text without saying a word, and watched her eyes get big. She swallowed her food hard, before speaking. "What the hell? Why is she texting you?" I shrugged. "No clue...guess we'll find out." I replied back. "Hey Kat, how's it going? I don't mind at all. It's good to hear from you. Is everything okay?" I read through it again, making sure that it sounded normal, and not fan girly or anything stupid like that. Seemed fine, so I hit send and went back to my food. "Hey, I'm really sorry about that. We didn't get any soda on you guys, did we?" Justin and his friends had finally cleaned up most of their mess and he was sitting back down in his seat again. My eyes traveled to the huge wet spot on his jeans, before I could stop myself. "Um, yeah. Not the best to look like you just pissed your pants in front of a beautiful girl, but at least you saw what happened," he replied in embarrassment when he noticed what I was looking at. I laughed a little. "You're fine. Nothing got over here. I might have to kill your friend if he did that to me though." He narrowed his pretty blue eyes and glanced at his friend. "I thought about it," he growled out. The sound was pleasant but didn't set me off like it did every time Colby did...well, anything. I giggled again, and offered him a fry. "Looks like yours got drowned," I motioned towards the soggy fries in his tray. He looked back at it, then back to me with a smile. "I guess so. Derek is getting more though. Thanks," he replied, snatching the fry from my fingers and popping it into his mouth. He had nice lips...my phone went off again and I picked it up. Facetime from Colby. I didn't think I would be hearing from him anymore today honestly. I answered it and smiled at my screen when I saw his gorgeous face. "Hey, what's up?" I said brightly. No matter what, seeing him would always make me happy. "Hey," he said, smiling a little. "Just wanted to let you know that I gave Kat your number. I didn't think you would mind." The guys next to us yelled something again, and I glanced towards them, and saw Justin grabbing the order of fries off the tray that the one called Derek had just brought back. "Hey, those are mine!" Shawn yelled. "Not anymore," Justin said, popping some into his mouth, then catching my eye and winking. I couldn't help but grin. He really was cute. "Are you out with someone? If this is a bad time..." I looked back at my screen, and narrowed my eyes in confusion. "No, of course not. We're eating at the mall food court, and there are these guys acting a fool next to us. They reminded me of you and your friends actually. One even kind of looks like you." He pursed his lips to the side and looked away from the screen, but didn't reply. Something was really starting to feel different between us, and I didn't like it at all. 

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