71 (Colby's POV)

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She turned it up, taking two giant swallows, keeping eye contact with me. I was impressed, when she didn't even make a face. Just brought the bottle down, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "My turn. Terra," Sarah said, smiling at me wickedly, before letting her gaze go to Terra. I had a bad feeling about this. "How badly do you wanna fuck Colby before we leave?" "Oh!" Sam said in surprise, while the other girls just started giggling, Kat included. I was interested in her answer, to be quite honest. Terra glared at Sarah, and held her hand out for the bottle. Sarah passed it to her, and ran her tongue over her top teeth. Terra turned it up, taking a big gulp, then brought it down. She made a slight face afterwards. Guess I wasn't getting my answer...not yet anyways. "Ugh," she said shaking her head a little. "I don't like drinking it straight until I'm already drunk." "Can't be picky tonight sweetheart, it's all we got!" Denise said, grabbing the bottle from her and taking a swallow. "Wait, it's not even your turn! What are you doing?" Denise just shrugged. "I wanted a drink. Sue me." She passed the bottle back and smiled angelically. I couldn't stop myself from chuckling a little. I loved seeing them just be in friend mode around us. It reminded me of me and my friends. "Your turn Princess," I said, touching her bare leg where she had them crossed on the blanket. She looked at me and ran her tongue over her bottom lip. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from the shot of whiskey, and her eyes were reflecting the moon. I really wanted to kiss her right now. This atmosphere, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the white sand shimmering in the moonlight, the smell of the ocean, the breeze blowing gently...then add Terra sitting next to me in those little shorts, with my hoodie on, her hair blowing around her face, her lips wet from the whiskey...I really wanted to fucking kiss her right now! "Colby," she said blushing a little. I held my hands up to let her know I was ready for whatever she was bringing. "How many times have you been with or dated a fan?" She looked down at the bottle in her hand before she finished the question. The question felt loaded, like it had a deeper meaning to it than I knew. "Just once or twice. I felt like I was taking advantage of the girls, because I knew they liked me, so I couldn't do it," I replied honestly. Her eyes snapped back up to meet mine, confusion swimming in them. "Then what's dif-" "Nope, no more questions! It's Colby's turn again." We went like this for a few rounds, the questions ranging from extremely sexual, to the stupidest things I had ever heard, then back to sexual. I lost track of the amount of times that Terra blushed. Hell, even Sarah blushed when Denise asked her if she called Brennen "Daddy." Sam and Kat answered  most of their questions, and so did I. Terra didn't, so she was getting pretty tipsy. I think she was afraid to answer them, or just embarrassed, because we were there. I'm sure her friends already knew the answers to the questions by the way they were acting. "T, how long have you been in love with and obsessed with Colby Brock?" Kenzie asked, hiccuping a little. "Fucking hell Kenz, you're going hard," Denise muttered. Terra, who was obviously feeling the liquor by now, glanced at me and blushed yet again. "Since about the third video I watched 4 years ago. 3 years ago? Fuck, I don't remember now. A long ass time," she said, grabbing the bottle from Kenzie. "Wait, you answered the question!" I exclaimed, laughing. She shrugged. "Don't care, wanna drink." She turned the half empty bottle up, and took a big gulp. It didn't faze her now. "Kat," she said, bringing the bottle down. "How good is Sam in bed? The fans wanna know." She started laughing along with her friends, and fell over into my side. Kat's eyes grew wide, as she glanced at Sam. "Well damn. Okay. We're going there," she said hesitantly, but laughed. Sam just shrugged. "I'm curious too. How good am I Katrina?" She laughed, and leaned back into him, kissing his jaw. "Very good. Very, very good. The best." She looked back at the girls and winked. "He's knows EXACTLY what he's doing." "Jesus Christ," I muttered, trying to block the images that popped into my head, while the girls squealed and laughed. "I fucking knew it," Sarah said. "There's just no way that a man who body rolls like that, doesn't know what he's doing." She shrugged. "It's science." Kat took the bottle that was passed to her, then looked at Sam. "Is Solby real?" "Oooooo" the girls said, and I just winked at Sam, laughing. "God danggit," Sam replied, as he took the bottle from her hands and turned it up quickly. "Okay, keeping the mystery! I like it," Sarah said, nodding her head. Eventually, we ran out of alcohol, and the girls were pretty drunk. "I wanna get in the waaater," Terra said, pushing herself up, grabbing onto my shoulder when she wobbled a bit. She stripped my hoodie and her t-shirt off. "You think that's a good idea?" I asked, reaching my hand up to help steady her. Couldn't stop my eyes from trailing over her exposed skin. I really liked that little black heart on her bikini. "Yep. I think it's the best idea everrrr! You coming with me?" She asked, unbuttoning her shorts, and wiggling her hips a little as she slid them down her legs. Fuck. I shifted a little and uncrossed my legs. "That water is going to be cold Terra," I replied. She tossed her shorts in my face, and laughed. 

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