Chapter 22

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Freen and I walked into her house, but something felt different. Despite having been here many times before, the atmosphere today felt heavy and humid.

"Are you sure you're up for cooking?" I asked, noticing how tired Freen looked. I didn't want to bother her if she needed rest. Her eyes seemed lifeless, yet she managed to drive from the office to her house.

"I'm fine. I can still handle it," Freen smiled weakly and motioned for me to follow her to the kitchen.

As I entered the kitchen, I noticed everything was neatly organized. I wondered if Freen still found time to cook for herself before heading to work.

"Take a seat, it'll only take a few minutes," Freen said, pulling out a chair. She kissed my head before going to the sink to wash the meat and other ingredients.

I waited for an hour, but then I saw Freen dozing off in the chair, while her dish started to burn. I called out to wake her up, and she immediately realized what had happened.

"Sorry, sorry," Freen apologized, checking if I got burned, but I shook my head.

"I told you, you don't have to cook. Let's order some pizza," I suggested, reaching for my phone.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her eyes filled with sadness.

I smiled and nodded. Freen seemed restless, and I could tell something was bothering her. It wasn't just work-related stress since the company was doing well.

When the pizza delivery arrived, I transferred it onto a plate and brought it to the living room where Freen had dozed off on the couch. I couldn't help but find her adorable.

"Freen, the food's here," I whispered, gently patting her arm.

She looked at me with tired eyes and nodded. Taking a bite of the pizza, she got up and went to the kitchen to get something.

When she returned, she had two bottles of beer in her hands. After opening one, she offered it to me.

"I told you, I don't drink," I scolded her.

"What? I can't hear you," Freen said, leaning closer as if she hadn't heard what I said.

"Fine, just one bottle, and then I'm heading home," I told her, reluctantly accepting the beer.

I started with the pizza since I hadn't eaten anything for hours. Freen turned on the television and played an old movie.

"What's the title of this movie?" I asked, trying to ignore the smell of the beer.

Feeling a bit nauseous, I forced myself to drink it anyway.

"It's called 'Modigliani.' It's about a painter," Freen replied, glancing at me.

I drank half of the can but had to put it down because the smell was overwhelming. Why was I feeling dizzy already?

"Stop pressuring yourself to drink so much," Freen said, taking the can away from me. "Are you okay?" she asked, concerned.

"I told you I'm a lightweight," I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the couch.

My vision was spinning, making it hard to focus on the movie.

"Just take small sips. You don't have to finish it all at once," she suggested, chuckling. She unbuttoned my white polo shirt to help me cool down since I was drenched in sweat.

I watched the main character in the movie painting something I couldn't quite grasp. Freen turned to me with a worried expression.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked.

"Freen, if you were a painter, would you paint me too?" I asked out of nowhere.

She glanced at the television and chuckled when she realized where my question came from.

"Of course, but you're already a work of art," she smiled and caressed my cheek.

"In that case..." I sat up straight, holding her face. I gently caressed her cheek and looked at her lips. "Why don't you pin me against the wall?"

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