Chapter 84

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You know, one of the toughest parts of being apart from someone you're close to is dealing with anxiety, overthinking, and worry, even if you deeply trust them. It's like these thoughts keep sneaking in, making you wonder if they're alright or if something's wrong.

When Freen decided to leave, I didn't want to interfere. I didn't want her to go through the pain of being separated from her child. I didn't want any of this to happen, but life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way.

For the longest time, Freen and I had been inseparable. But suddenly, things changed. She broke her promise and didn't return as she said she would. I found myself always making the first move, reaching out to her, and that made me wonder what was going on.

I talked to Saint about Amanda's situation, hoping for some news. He mentioned that Amanda was back and staying under the same roof as Freen. I trust Freen, but I felt blindsided. She hadn't told me about Amanda's return. Our conversations started feeling distant, even though she'd still say she loved me before abruptly ending the call.

It's amazing how much someone can change in just a month. I hadn't seen Freen for that long, and when I finally did, she walked past me as if I were a stranger. Even my secretary, Mariel, noticed something was off between us, and I had no answers.

After Saint came out of Becken's room, he asked if Freen had replied to my messages. I told him about asking when she'd come back home for Becken's sake. Saint suggested I give her more time, thinking she might be busy. But I couldn't help questioning why she'd be so occupied.

Frustrated, Saint called Freen on the phone and handed it to me. When she answered, my heart raced. I wanted to tell her how much I needed her, but the fear of making things worse held me back.

"Freen?" I said hesitantly.

"Becky?" Freen sounded surprised. "What's up? Do you need something?"

I wanted to express my longing, but I held back, knowing her daughter needed her more.

"No, I just wanted to know when you're coming back. It's been weeks," I reminded her.

"Has it really been weeks?" she sighed. "I've been staying with Faye for a bit. Can I have a few more days?"

What about us? Are we less important now that you're with Faye? I wanted to ask, but I feared her reaction.

"So, when can I expect you back?" I asked. "You promised."

"I'm not sure, babe. Maybe next week?" she said. "Please, try to understand."

Tears welled up as her words hit me. Was I being difficult for her now? I choked back my emotions.

"Okay, I just hope that when you return, I'm still here," I said before ending the call. I went to Saint and shared the update, wiping my tears.

"What did she say?" Saint asked, concerned.

"She's coming back next week," I replied.

"Next week again? When exactly?" Saint sighed. "Becky, why don't you go see her in person? Talk things out."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I trust her," I said, turning away.

Saint took hold of my arms gently, leading me to his car. We drove to a destination I wasn't sure of.

Eventually, I found myself outside their house. Saint motioned for me to knock, but I hesitated. Instead, I peered through a nearby window. Freen was smiling and talking to Amanda, while Faye was absent.

"What are you looking at?" Saint joined me, peering in as well.

Amanda moved closer to Freen, about to kiss her, but Saint pulled me away.

My heart raced. Were they really going to kiss? Or was it just a whisper?

"Let me go, Saint!" I yelled as he led me back to the car. "You said I should talk to her, so why bring me here?"

"Because you're hurting yourself!" He yelled back. "You knew what was happening, but you looked anyway! What's going on in your mind, Becky?"

"I trust Freen!" I snapped, tears streaming down. "But..." My legs felt weak, and Saint caught me.

"Let's head home. You don't need to talk to her right now," Saint comforted.

A/N: Bonus Chapter today. Teaser below ⬇️

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