Chapter 83

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Becken had been hospitalized, and Saint took care of him for a little while. I headed back home to gather some of Becken's belongings. As I entered the house, I noticed that Freen was there, but Faye was nowhere to be found.

"How's Becken doing?" Freen asked as she approached me. "Is he getting better?"

"He's alright. Where's Faye?" I inquired.

"I took her back to Amanda's," Freen replied. "She needs to learn a lesson."

"Okay." I nodded. "I'm heading back to the hospital. Just grabbing some of Becken's things."

As I was about to leave her in the living room, she unexpectedly hugged me. It was a gentle embrace. She stroked my hair and planted a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry, Becky," she whispered. "I got jealous when I saw you two together. It's tough to accept that he's the one you needed in this situation."

"Freen, you're the one who should be there. But I understand you have a daughter, and she needs you more than we do," I reassured her, stepping back from the hug.

Turning away, I started walking towards Becken's room. However, I heard her call out as I was walking away.

"I love you, Becky!"

I glanced back and saw her smiling. I gave a nod and a faint smile.

Why didn't her words affect me like they used to? Am I really angry about what happened? And if so, why? Why do I feel so distant from her?

In Becken's room, I closed the door behind me and rubbed my temples.

I looked up and noticed a camera on the ceiling. My heart raced, and I furrowed my brow. When was this camera installed?

I went outside and made my way to Mr. Chankimha's office. He allowed me inside, and I found him watching something on his computer.

"Good afternoon, dad," I greeted him.

"Becky, you're here," Mr. Chankimha said, motioning for me to approach. He turned the monitor towards me, showing me a video captured by the camera.

In the video, Becken was playing with blocks. Suddenly, he looked towards the door and opened it for Faye. They started building the blocks together, but Faye kicked them, causing them to collapse.

Becken simply smiled and began rebuilding, but Faye kicked his hand again. He ignored her, and when she got frustrated, she grabbed a block and hit Becken on the head.

Becken tried to shield himself, but Faye continued. That's when I entered the scene.

"I asked Freen to take Faye away after seeing this," Mr. Chankimha explained.

So, it wasn't solely Freen's decision initially?

"Thanks, dad. But I think Becken wants to stay with Saint for a while. We talked about it," I said, lowering my head.

"I understand. It's traumatic for Becken. But as much as I want him to stay there, I can't," Mr. Chankimha said, looking at me. "I told Freen she can visit her daughter if she wants, but I won't accept her back. If Becken wants to stay with Saint, then they can stay here. I can't bear not seeing my grandson, Becky."

"Dad, this might hurt Freen," I protested.

"I've already discussed this with her, and she agreed. It's not like you'll be living in the same room with Saint, anyway," Mr. Chankimha shrugged. "Please, Becky. My days are limited, and I want to spend them with my grandson."

This doesn't seem like a good idea.

"Can I take some time to think about it?" I asked. I was about to leave when Freen entered the office, carrying a suitcase.

"Dad, I'm leaving," Freen said, a hint of sadness in her smile.

Mr. Chankimha nodded, seemingly indifferent to his daughter's departure. Freen closed the door, and I followed her outside.

"Why did you agree to this, Freen?" I asked, my frustration evident. "Are you really going to let Saint become Becken's father?"

"Saint is his father, Becky. You told me that earlier," Freen stated.

"That's not what I meant—"

"I'm not upset, babe," Freen reassured me, gently caressing my cheeks. "I'm doing this for Becken. I'll be gone for a week. Just a week, and I'll be back. Once Becken is okay and things are settled, I'll come home."

"Where are you going?" I inquired.

"I'll stay at Amanda's for a bit. She's out of town this week, so it'll just be me and Faye," she explained. "Don't worry. I'll return. I need to spend time with Faye and help her understand discipline."

"You promise you'll come back?" I asked.

"I promise." She kissed my forehead. "And don't act like we won't see each other at the company." She chuckled.

I had reservations about this decision. Something didn't feel right. What should I do? Becken wants to be with Saint, but Mr. Chankimha wants him to stay here. Freen will be gone for a week, and this could change things in ways we might not want.

You've always kept your promises, Freen. I hope you won't break this one.

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