Chapter 68

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Mr. and Mrs. Chankimha visited the hospital, worried about finding the culprit behind the incident. Unfortunately, there were no surveillance cameras in the area, so they filed a lawsuit at school. But things weren't magically resolved.

"I need to know if some students were bullying my grandson. And if they are, they'll have to face the consequences," Mr. Chankimha's words were intense, attracting curious glances from passing nurses.

Outside Becken's hospital room, we waited anxiously. They wanted to see Becken when he was awake and ready.

"Why do they think Becken knows who pushed him? What if it was just an accident?" Freen asked, puzzled.

"I don't know either, Freen. They want to ask Becken, but I told them he needs rest and can't give a statement," Mrs. Chankimha explained. "If Becken can't identify the culprit, the school will be held responsible."

I couldn't concentrate on the conversation. My mind was filled with thoughts of Becken lying unconscious in bed, the person responsible, and how to tell Freen's parents that she wasn't Becken's birth mother.

"Why do you seem so restless, Becky? And what happened to your arm?" Mr. Chankimha asked, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, Mr. Chankimha— I mean Dad. I donated blood for Becken," I replied, my heart racing.

"And you?" he turned to Freen. "Why didn't you donate?"

"Our blood types don't match," Freen answered.

"But why?" Mr. Chankimha furrowed his eyebrows, looking at both of us.

Freen reached for my hand, and I could feel her nervousness. She was brave to speak the truth immediately. I wished I had that courage.

"So, you're telling us that Becken isn't your biological child, Freen?" he asked.

Freen nodded and swallowed hard, expecting her father to react, but he didn't.

"I told you, Freen, sometimes things don't work out. But don't be discouraged. Having Becken by your side will ease the pain, okay?" Mr. Chankimha comforted her, patting her shoulder. They went inside the room, and we followed.

Becken had just woken up and was looking at Saint, making him frown. I patted Saint's shoulder as I passed by and turned to Becken.

"Let's forget all of this happened," Becken said with a sad smile. "Please, don't blame the school or my teachers."

"Why? Didn't someone push you?" Freen asked.

Becken shook his head. "I fell on my own."

"But the teachers said you pointed at someone before you fainted," Mr. Chankimha said.

"Just please, stop blaming them," Becken pleaded, lowering his head.

"Is someone bullying you, Becken? You can tell me," I said, reaching for his hand. Tears streamed down his face.

"Can I talk to Mommy alone?" he asked.

Freen nodded, and everyone left the room. Becken turned to me, and tears flowed again.

"Who is it, Becken? You can tell me," I said gently.

"I will, but promise me you won't hurt her," he said.

"Her?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

Becken nodded. "Yes, the one who pushed me is Faye. That's her name. She looks like Daday and is the same age as me."

"Did you talk to her?" I asked.

"Yes, but she's not nice, Mommy. She rolled her eyes at me and said I didn't deserve what I have now. I don't know if she knows something," Becken said, teary-eyed.

"If she's not nice, why don't you tell your grandpa she's the one who pushed you?" I asked again.

"Daday would be sad. She deserves to see her," he answered with a sigh. "Will Daday still consider me her child? Or will she choose Faye over us?"

"Daday will never choose between anyone. She's with us, and if she is your Daday's daughter, she will still accept you even if Faye comes into our lives. Okay? Daday promised me that no matter what happens, she'll stay. Let's hold on to that." I smiled at him, and he nodded.

I trust Freen to keep her promise, just like she always has before.

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