Chapter 93

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"Hey, guess who's calling? It's our ex," Freen teased, pointing at my phone with a mischievous grin.

Sure enough, it was Saint calling, but I didn't need Freen to tell me that it was "our" ex calling. She signaled for me to answer, then exited the room, leaving me and Saint to chat.

"What's going on?" I inquired.

"Nothing much. Becken just wants to have a chat with you," he replied, passing the phone to my son.

"Hey there, sweetie," I greeted.

"Hi Mommy. How's everything over there?" Becken's voice warmed my heart. I've really missed him.

"Doing well, baby. And you? How did your exam go? Everything good?" I asked eagerly.

"Yeah, Mom! I aced my exam again. I can't wait to show Grandpa my scores. Can I go to his place?" he requested.

"Absolutely, sweetheart. You're welcome to visit him anytime. Just make sure your dad goes with you," I assured him.

"But Dad says he's got some work today, so I might have to stay over for a bit," Becken explained.

Does Saint have plans today? Maybe he's got some leads to follow?

"Alright, take care, okay? Can you hand the phone back to Daddy Saint?" I requested.

I heard a faint hiss from the doorway. Wasn't Freen gone already? Had she been listening in the whole time?

I gestured for Freen to leave, but she shook her head and leaned against the door, clearly eavesdropping.

I gave her a gentle nudge outside and locked the door, ensuring our conversation remained private.

"Becky, I've got something I need to attend to. I have to follow up on something, gather some evidence. I have to go," Saint explained. "I'll talk to you later." With that, he ended the call, leaving me with a sigh.

I reopened the door and found Freen giving me a scrutinizing look.

"What's up?" I asked, a hint of frustration in my voice.

"Nothing much. Go talk to your 'daddy Saint'," she quipped, rolling her eyes.

I chuckled at her response, tempted to pull her close. But reality hit me – we're not okay, and we're no longer an item. That would be awkward.

Clearing my throat, I walked past her and headed to the kitchen. I felt aimless and restless, not sure what to do next.

I contemplated visiting the site or going out, but then I realized Freen would probably tag along. I couldn't just ditch her here.

"Seriously, why the pacing? You're giving me motion sickness," Freen commented, arms crossed. "Let's do something. I know you're bored." She grabbed my arms, and for some reason, I found myself following her lead.

Back in our bedroom, Freen opened the closet and selected an outfit for me. She held up the Maven Missy Dress, causing my eyebrows to shoot up.

"Why would I wear that?" I questioned.

"Because it suits you, duh." Freen extended her hand, offering me the dress. I hesitated for a moment before taking it. "You can change into this or I'll do the honors," she playfully threatened, prompting me to quickly head to the bathroom.

Once I emerged, I spotted her wearing the Maven Sophie Dress. She looked stunning, her hair flowing freely, and wearing just a touch of makeup.

My heart skipped a beat as she smiled at me, her movements seemingly in slow motion as she approached. Get a grip, Rebecca. Stay calm.


I averted my gaze when she stopped in front of me, giggling.

"You're looking pretty good in that," she commented, leaning in to whisper, "But you know what? I think I prefer it off." She winked and took my hand.

Freen applied a light touch of makeup and tidied up my hair. Once we were ready, we stepped outside and hopped into her car.

"Where are we headed?" I inquired, brows furrowed.

"Someplace cool. Just trust me," she replied, chuckling.

"I'm not sure I trust you, Freen," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry. Whatever we're doing today, I promise you'll love it," she assured with a grin, starting the engine.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at her confident smile. Oh no, this girl is up to something, isn't she?

Seducing My Ex's Girlfriend || BeckFreen [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora