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Since all the students agreed to go to the karaoke, Chuck Cannon will just follow. There was nothing for him to worry about, after all, it was just karaoke.

Speaking of which, Chuck hadn't gone to sing for a long time. It's okay to relax. After this exam, there would be a holiday and he planned to focus on the job at the plaza.

"Who knows the owner of the KTV at the plaza?" Someone shouted. The students shook their heads.

"How can none of you know anyone from the plaza? It would be cheaper if we knew someone from there," A girl said unhappily.

Indeed, with so many people joining, It would already be a big cost for the drinks, let alone the tidbit. It would indeed be much cheaper if they knew someone from the plaza.

No one spoke.

Of course, Chuck didn't want to tell them that he knew someone from the plaza. He could easily call Yolanda and asked her to give him a 30% discount.

However, he did not do it because he understood that they were also making a living with their business.

"Forget it, all the people in our class are losers, It's not bad already if anyone of them knew the waiter, let alone the boss. By the way, Chuck, didn't you work as a waiter in the plaza before? Why don't you ask the boss to give us a discount?" A boy looked at Chuck and said in a strange tone.

Chuck really did work there before, but he only did it for a few days because he had no money at that time. Alsop the manager looked down on people without any reason, so Chuck quitted after working two days.

"Haha, don't embarrass him. He only worked as a waiter for a few days. He was probably fired by the boss. Do you think the boss will give a discount to him?" Another classmate said.

"You can't say that, can you? Chuck has changed now. He's wearing trendy brands and even the campus belle came to find him. What's wrong with him asking the boss for some discount? As long as he's shameless enough, he can get us the discount!" One of the girls said.

"Haha, the boss is a man. What's the use even if he tried to flirt with the boss?" A male student said.

"What if the boss likes man?" Another friend teased.

"He is gay then?" One of the students continued.

"Haha!" A few of the students laughed.

Soon, the whole class burst into laughter. Chuck didn't bother to pay attention to them. However, Queenie Carson, who was sitting beside him, was very angry. She wanted to stand up for him, but Chuck stopped her.

"But they went too far. They shouldn't say things like this to you," Queenie was very angry.

"It doesn't bother me anyway," Chuck shook his head and said.

"What's the point in saying these? Did Chuck offend you guys?" Yvette Jordan's face suddenly turned cold.

Chuck was a little surprised. Was Yvette trying to stand up for him? It was rare for her to do so!

The students in the class immediately shut up.

After all, they all knew what kind of temper Yvette had.

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 1Where stories live. Discover now