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"What do you think of this square?" In the car, the assistant asked confidently.

He had already taken Kristen around the square just now, and he could see from Kristen's look that she was still basically satisfied.

"Let's go down and take a look first," Kristen said.

Of course, the assistant nodded, out of the car door, and then opened the door for Kristen, she came down, the assistant's eyes lighted up, Kristen just changed pants, which is tight, that round thighs, it's really too eye-catching.

The assistant felt a glance, he could not move his eyes, his heart's evil ideas breed more to sleep with her once, he does not want anything immediately running for his life is only he's willing.

This is because of his own boss's body too good, seductive age, like a peach.

But the assistant did not dare to see more, if he was caught looking, Kristen would definitely slap and dump him out, but when Kristen came out, his eyes stared at her buttocks again.

The assistant felt that Kristen was really superb, and his heart wanted to sleep with Kristen even more.

Kristen and the assistant went to the first floor by the elevator.

She scanned her eyes and felt that it was okay, the design of the whole square was rather ordinary, but the humane facilities were very good as she had entered so many squares, all Slightly refreshing, she thought about it and it seemed that this square owner had some talent.


"Hey, boss, there's actually a crew filming here?" The assistant had seen some publicity, saying that a crew had come over to film here, and the actor was actually Zabrina.

"Ok, good, this square has good development prospects," Kristen saw this place.

There was a crew filming, which showed that the square had desirable features, the flow of people was large, and this point up, the flow of people was not too much worse than other squares, although a large part of it was because of the crew or Zabrina's willingness, even more so, this place many people would come over, as long as it is attractive.

She just has a good eye, that's why she has today's possessions, this square really does up, the future value will definitely not be less than three billion!

This was a good investment for spending hundreds of millions of dollars to buy this place.

Therefore, Kristen decided to acquire this place.

Regardless of whether this boss agreed to it or not, if the person didn't agree, she would throw money at it, it could be worth three billion, then throw to acquire it with one billion, one and a half billion, then it would be a big profit in the end.

She didn't believe that this boss wouldn't be impressed.

"Then boss, what do we do now? Shall we go to the plaza management office?" The assistant asked.

"Yes, let's see the manager here first," said Kristen

The assistant looked around a few times and saw that the office should be on the fifth floor.

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu