Are the rumours true?

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"Peeta do you know where the house phone is?" I wonder looking on the bookshelf.

I've been searching for it for about 10 minutes but can't find it anywhere.

Willow and noah are sitting quietly at the table eating lunch.

lily and Tyler are upstairs sleeping so nows my chance.

My chance to call Johanna and ask about her and Gale.

My mom and Gale left for district 4 yesterday but I still haven't had the chance to call Jo.

"It should be on the stand next to the window." he replies pointing in that direction.

I pull back the curtains and sure enough there it is.

"Why do you need it anyway?" He wonders interested.

"You'll find out soon enough." I smirk waking into the living room.

I dial Johanna's number and wait for her to pick up.

"Hello." I hear a voice who I recognise as Finns.

"Hello Finn it's katniss." I start before he cuts me off sounding excited.

"Oh katniss I miss you." he says nearly screaming.

"I've missed you too finn, how are you?" I ask choosing my words carefully so he understands.

"I'm good katniss, I start school soon." he says making me smile.

I forgot that he's 5 next month. Time really does fly by.

"That's great isn't it, is Johanna there?" I wonder hopefully.

"Yeah I will take the phone to her, bye katniss." he says.

"Bye Finn." I answer with a smile.

It's silent for a second apart from background noise of a tv before Johanna speaks.

"Brainless?" She asks.

"Yeah Jo it's me." I say and I can feel a grin appearing on my face.

"What's up?" She wonders before I hear crunching making me laugh.

"What? I'm hungry." she says knowing what I'm laughing at.

"Anyway, I heard you have been speaking to a certain someone." I start not mentioning who.

"Yeah Haymitch, I've been speaking to haymitch." She stays trying to cover it up.

Too bad I already know.

"You can't hide it Jo, Gale told me." I answer as peeta appears in the doorway.

"Erm." she starts not knowing what to say.

"Anything you want to tell me?" I ask encouraging her.

"Well, we have been speaking and we have-." she starts before stopping.

"You've what?" I ask getting excited.

I sit up more on the sofa while peeta stands looking confused.

"Kissed." she says really quickly making me squeal.

I slam a hand over my mouth remembering Lily and Tyler are sleeping upstairs.

"Oh my gosh Jo, are you going out?" I question wide eyes.

"Not yet but we are going out tonight for a meal." she says almost too quickly to catch.

"Well.... have fun." I say slowly so she catches what I mean.

"Katniss were not up to that yet, I don't even know if it's going to work." she says with a slight sigh.

"Just go out and have fun, you never know what could happen." I say before there's a pause.

"Katniss I have to go, Gale is here to pick me up." she says and I know she's smiling.

"Okay go and enjoy yourself, il talk soon." I say waiting for a reply.

"Bye katniss." she says using my real name before the line goes dead.

"Johanna and Gale?" Peeta asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yep" I say popping the p.

"Wow I'd never of thought that-." he says not knowing what to say.

"Me neither but I'm happy for them." I say standing up putting the phone in its usual place.

"Me too, although it's going to take some getting used to." he says with a smile.

"I know." I reply as we go back into the kitchen.

We see noah and willow have finished their meal.

"I think it's time to get these monsters to bed." Peeta smirks.

"Mee too." I answer before leaning in to meet his sweet lips.

Gale and Johanna deserve happiness, I can only hope that it works out.

Otherwise an axe is going to be meeting something.

Somehow I know it's not going to be a tree.

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