Gale arrested

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Without saying anything I try to close the door shut.

But Gale puts his foot out stopping me from fully shutting it.

"Get your foot of the door now Gale." I say trying to stay calm.

I start worrying about my babies and that they are only in the room next door.

If they start crying gale will hear and I can't risk them getting hurt.

"That would be the easy option." Gale smirks.

"Why are you here?" I ask still pushing on the door.

"What do you mean what am I here for?" Gale asks looking confused.

The door pushes open and he puts his hand on it.

There's no way now that I'm going to be able to close it again.

"You aren't allowed in the victors village." I say getting angry.

"Well there is nothing a dead peacekeeper can do." he smirks and I know he has killed the peacekeepers we had guarding.

"You killed them?" I ask shocked even though I know the answer.

Gale just smiles before stepping closer to me.

"Get away from her." I hear a voice say behind me.

I feel Peetas arm wrap around me making me feel safer.

"Peeta, my boy how are you?" gale asks sarcastically.

"Get out of here, your trespassing." peeta says and I can tell he's mad.

"What are you gonna do about it?" he wonders leaning against the door frame.

Before we can answer I hear a cry coming from the living room making me jump.

Oh no now he's defiantly going to be mad.

By gales face I know that he now knows I have at least one baby.

"You have a kid? with him?" gale says getting angry.

"Yes I have a kid with peeta in fact I have two." I say getting annoyed.

Peeta pulls me closer knowing gale he will probably try and do something.

"What? you had two babies with bread boy. They should be my babies." Gale says looking disgusted.

"Well they aren't and they never will be. Don't you watch the news?." I ask.

Me and peeta have been on the news a lot lately so I'm surprised gale hasn't heard about me at least been pregnant.

"I've got better things to do that watch the news." he grumbles madly.

His face starts growing redder and redder and I know something is going to happen.

He goes to throw a punch at peeta but I jump in the way.

I'm surprised to not feel anything hit my face.

"Easy boy." I hear a familiar voice, Haymich.

I see two guards standing behind Haymitch and I couldn't be happier.

"Gale Hawthorne, I am arresting you on murder, violence and trespassing, you do not have to say anything. But anything you do say may be given as evidence." one guard says.

He grabs Gale from Haymitchs tight grip before taking him away.

"Thank you Haymich." I say thankfully hugging him.

"It's fine sweetheart, I would of been here sooner but I didn't see him." he smiles as we pull away.

I turn to peeta as he pulls me into a hug.

Willow starts crying so Haymich goes to see her giving me and peeta some space.

"I was so scared." I say honestly.

"It's okay baby, he can't come back now." peeta says making me smile.

I'm so glad that Gale is finally gone, it means he can't cause any harm in my family.

"Katniss, look at me." peeta whispers in my hair.

I pull back to look at him confused.

"Don't you ever step in front of someone throwing a punch again." peeta says stroking my face.

"But I didn't get hit." I say knowingly.

"That's not the point, you could of been hurt." peeta says hugging me again.

"But I didn't want you hurt." I say honestly.

"I'd rather me be hurt than you." peeta sighs.

"I love you so much." I tell him pulling him closer.

"I love you more katniss." he relies.

"Gales gone now." he continues.

Gales gone, he's finally gone.

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