First time alone

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"Peeta I will be fine." I say trying to convince him.

Peeta got a phone call about 10 minutes ago seeing if he could come into the bakery because it's busy.

I've been telling him for about 5 minutes that il be fine but he's not convinced.

"But two babies can be hard to handle." peeta says honestly.

"They are little angels and they will be super for me." I smile.

"But it's the first time you will be alone." Peeta relies.

I think he's now making excuses just to stay with me but I don't really mind.

"I have to be alone with them at some point." I say truthfully.

"Ok i will go but I will call you later and I will be back early." He says opening the front door.

"Just go and help Jonny out." I say urging him out the door.

He smiles before giving me a kiss.

"Okay have fun" he says as he leaves.

"I will and make sure you bring cheese buns back." I smirk before closing the door.

I walk back into the living room where I left willow and Noah lying on the play mat.

I sit down next to them before turning on the little nursery tune.

It's the beginning of November so me and Peeta have decided to go Christmas shopping really soon.

It gets darker alot earlier now and it's confusing the babies

I look at the clock and see that it's already lunch time but for once I don't seem hungry.

That's probably because Peeta make a big breakfast this morning before been called into work.

Willow and Noah have just been fed so I know they won't need another bottle for a while.

My mom is at the hospital again, she's been really busy for a while now.

Thankfully she gets christmas off so we can be all together like a family, including Haymich.

Willow starts to cry after her dummy falls out of her small mouth.

I still laugh at the size of the dummy when it's in willow and Noah's mouth because they are really big.

I hear a knock on the door before I hear Haymitchs voice.

"Sweetheart, you in?" I hear him question.

"Living room." I shout back but not to loudly.

I see him smile as he enters the room seeing the babies on the floor.

"I've brought a few baby supply's, the train has just come in the station." he says placing a bag next to me.

I take a look in and see a few things that I really needed like nappies and vests.

Noah starts crying and Haymich attends to him saying I can have a look through the bag.

I find a little Santa suit and dress in a small package.

I open the letter and see is from Annie.

Dear katniss,

Sorry I haven't called that much. Finn is starting school soon so I've been getting everything ready.

I heard that Gale got arrested and I'm sorry, I hope your coping well.

It's nearly Christmas and il be sure that me and Johanna pay a visit.

Take care girl on fire.

Love Annie and Finn.

I smile at the gifts knowing they will be perfect for Christmas Day.

I put them back into the bag before putting them away safely.

Haymich stays for a while until it starts to get dark.

We spend time with willow and Noah, talking about the district.

After three hours he leaves saying he has to get back home and sort a few things out.

I take willow and Noah up stairs to bed changing them one at a time.

I carefully place them inside there rocking cots before tucking them in making sure they are warm.

As I'm rocking them to sleep I think of a song that Peeta first heard me sing.

Down in the valley, the valley so low.

Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.

Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow.

Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.

Roses love sunshine, violets love dew,

Angels in heaven know I love you,

Know love you, dear, I love you,

Angles in heaven know I love you.

I stop there seeing willow and Noah are fast asleep.

I get up from the chair leaning over to kiss both of their foreheads.

I feel arms snake around me and I know it's Peeta.

"How have they been?" he asks kissing my cheek.

"Perfect." I answer honestly before connecting my lips to his.

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