Bonding time

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I wake up to the sound of the baby monitor.

I climb out of bed trying not to disturb Peeta since he got up last time.

It's our first night home after giving birth and I still can't believe I'm now a mom.

My mom is on the train and should arrive around mood today.

Johanna and Annie came to the hospital yesterday not long after I had given birth.

I walk into the babies bedroom to see willow crying.

I carefully pick her out of her cot and rest her in my arms.

I look to see Noah has surprisingly not woke up by his sisters crying.

But he did wake up not long ago and fell back to sleep straight away in Peetas arms.

I sit down on the rocking chair after checking her nappy.

Sensing she must be hungry I decide to feed her.

The midwife showed me the correct way to feed her and Noah before we left yesterday.

She also give me a pump so that Peeta can also feed one of the twins bottles instead on me having to do both and once.

She starts suckling straight away hungry.

I take a look at my daughter while she's feeding and smile.

5 years ago I would never of seen myself doing this.

I'm so happy that I chose Peeta and decided to have babies with him.

They were the best decisions that I've ever made.

Willow hasn't got much hair yet, about the same as Noah's blond hair but I suppose it will grow soon enough.

I think about the future, teaching my children how to hunt.

I also think about Peeta and how happy he will he teaching our kids how to bake and paint.

There is one thing that I'm scared about.

This is having to eventually tell our children about our past because they will find out somehow.

Out of nowhere I start singing to Willow as she starts to fall asleep in my arms.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow.

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.

I sing softly and she sees nearly a sleep so I continue.

Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes.

When they open, the sun will rise.

Her soft breaths confirms she's now sleeping when I hear a creek.

I turn my head to see a smiling Peeta standing at the doorway.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I ask sadly.

I really didn't want to disturb Peeta.

He's done so much for me before the games, durning the games and even after.

Helping me through the pregnancy and my annoying mood swings.

I was just hoping that at least one night i could let him sleep.

Not waking him up to make me a sandwich in the middle of the night.

"I woke when I heard willow wake but then I hear a certain someone's beautiful voice." he says making me blush.

Thankfully it's dark so he won't notice or say anything.

"How long have you been standing there?" I wonder.

"Long enough to be smiling like a mad man." he whispers realising willow is now sleeping on my chest.

He walks over to me and smiles looking at willow.

"I can't believe how much she looks like you." Peeta smiles.

"With your eyes." I say happily.

"And Noah has your hair." I continue.

"Noah has your eyes." he replies smirking.

"Let's just say that they have a good combo of both" I say.

"They do." Peeta confirms.

"You knows, I don't know why you were so scared about become a mom, your the best I've ever seen." Peeta says making my heart melt.

"After the games changed so did my thoughts, I always knew you would be a great dad before I even decide to have kids." I say truthfully.

"That really means a lot to me, as do you and the babies." Peeta says leaning down to kiss me.

"I love you." I say standing up with willow still peacefully sleeping.

"I love you to." he relies.

I place Willow back into her cot carefully not to wake her.

I lean over to give her a kiss before giving Noah a kiss.

Peeta smiles taking my hand leading me back into our bedroom.

We snuggle up close together, much closer than u have been able to these last 9 months.

"I know it's only the beginning but I can't wait to start our lives and do things together." Peeta whispers in my hair.

"Me neither." I reply.

"You must be so tired, are you still sore?" Peeta wonders.

"A little and I bet your tired aswell, I've been very moody for so long and I don't know how you put up with me." I say looking up to face him.

"Because I love you, that why and your mom is coming today so we might have a little rest." Peeta says stroking my hair.

"I can't wait to see her, I just wish other people would feel the same way." I say meaning Gale.

I haven't heard from him since he got kicked out the victors village.

I suppose that's good because he doesn't know anything about Noah and Willow and I don't want him to.

"You have better people." Peeta says making me nod.

"I'm so glad your here with me." I say gladly.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else" he says leaning in to kiss me.

We fall asleep peacefully with the happiest thoughts of our babies.

The best dreams that we have ever had.

So I don't know if anyone knows.

But it's there a certain chapter that you can only go up to on wattpad?

Just wondering incase I need to finish this story off soon.

Thank you. 💞

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