Small bump

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I wake up feeling happy and surprised about not been tired.

I feel Peetas hand on my stomach showing he has decided not to go to work today.

I'm now 16 weeks pregnant and have a very exciting appointment in two weeks to find out the gender of my baby.

They only recently got the equipment for doctors to know the gender.

Before the war the was hardly anything to help you through your pregnancy.

Now there's a hospital in every district with the same amount of equipment.

I can't believe how fast my pregnancy has gone already.

Before I know it il be having my baby with Peeta.

I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

Peeta is very excited and hasn't stopped going on about it.

I feel Peeta lean over and kiss my cheek making me smile.

I turn around so I'm facing him and kiss him on the lips sweetly.

"Morning handsome." I say as always.

"Morning beautiful." Peeta replies making me smile.

"What does my gorgeous wife want for breakfasts today?" he questions.

"Just toast today." I smile climbing out of bed.

As I walk to the bathroom I look down at my stomach and gasp.

I can see a little bump.

"Katniss, what's wrong?" Peeta asks panicking.

He rushes over to me thinking that I'm in pain but I'm not in any pain at all.

"Nothing Peeta look." I say lifting up my top.

Peetas eyes go wide and he also gasps.

"Oh my gosh, you have a bump." Peeta says leaning over to rub it.

Peeta leans down and kisses my stomach making me smile.

"Hey there baby, il glad your growing. Me and mommy hope your healthy." Peeta whispers before looking up to me.

"Well I guess we will find out how he's doing in two weeks." I say honestly.

"I guess we will find out how she is doing." Peeta says speaking louder at 'she'.

"I'm so happy." I smile as Peeta stands up.

"That makes two of us." Peeta smiles hugging me.

After standing embracing each other for about 5 minutes we decide to move.

I go to get Gus from his room.

He's finally starting to grow more and is putting on weight.

But he's still small enough for me to carry him around and is just as cute.

We go downstairs and Peeta makes toast while we chat to each other.

Our topic goes from how Haymich is doing to our baby and I don't know how.

Gus sits on my knee the whole time listening to what we are saying.

"Katniss?" Peeta questions.

"Can I ask you something?" Peeta asks.

"You just have." I say giggling.

Peeta is confused for a while before realising that he already asked me a question and soon joins in the laughing.

"I know can I ask you something else." he wonders making me smile.

"Of course." I say confused to what he might ask.

"Can I maybe do the baby's bedroom?" he questions.

"Sure you can, I mean when I'm big I'm not gonna be doing much painting anyway." I smile.

"Thank you." Peeta says thankfully.

"We have to wait until we know what we're having first." I point out.

"I know but as soon as we know, can I get going?" he asks even though he knows what id say.

"Of course you can, will I be able to look?" I wonder.

"You can help pick out the stuff to go in like the cot and swing but you can't see the decorations." he smirks.

"Arrrr okay." I pout pretending to be sad.

But actually I think it's really nice that Peeta wants to do this.

I'm not really surprised though because he's always wanted this.

Peeta kisses my pout away making me smile again.

"There's the smile I like so much." Peeta says.

"Stopppppp, I don't like my smile." I say embarrassed.

"Well i do, I love everything about you." He says making me blush.

Gosh he never stops doing that.

"You always say that." I reply.

"That's because it's always true." he answers.

"I love you to." I say kissing him again.

Normally id start an argument saying how ugly I was but I decide to listen to Peeta for once.

Even though I don't believe that I'm anything he says.

We finish our breakfast and was the dishes together sharing some laughs.

Once we finish we head upstairs to get changed ready for out day ahead.

So I realised that I never did a chapter about katniss discovering her bump so here it is.

Also thank you so much for 81k reads, the comments and votes you leave really mean lot.

The next chapter you will find out what gender(s) the baby/babies is.

Enjoy. 💞

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