Going nowhere

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The wedding is coming soon.

2 weeks to be exact and I still don't have a wedding dress which is worrying.

I was going to go today but Johanna and Annie have decided they want to come with me.

I have asked them both to be my bridesmaids and they both said yes and Johanna sounded shockingly excited.

It will be good for them to help because I need help in deciding which dress is best.

They will be arriving here at district 12 very soon. sometime this week.

Peeta decided that we should go to the meadow again today because he had something he wanted to do with me.

We left the house and walked hand in hand to the meadow after I'd been to the woods to hunt for supper.

When we reach the perfect spot, we sit down on the grass.

Peeta lies down on his back looking up at the sky and I rest my head on his lap lying the opposite way.

He plays with my hair like he did that time before the quarter quell on the roof.

I smile remembering that day when we had no interviews and it was the last real day we got to spend together.

Before we were threw into a sick joke of a arena for the capitols entrainment.

"What are you smiling at?" Peeta asks me making me snap our of my thoughts.

"Do you remember the day we had off before we went into the games?" I question still smiling.

"Yeah on the roof." Peeta states.

"Well yeah I was just thinking how perfect that day was when we had it all to our self." I say making Peeta also smile.

"Well we have lots of free time now to do what we want." Peeta says rather happily.

"Yeah I just wish some other people could of been here." I say no longer smiling remembering prim.

"Me too but at least we have each other." peeta says bringing me up to his chest.

"We will always have each other." I answer.

After about five minutes of peaceful silence Peeta gets up making me grown.

"Whats wrong?" Peeta asks laughing.

"I was so comfy and you moved." I say frowning.

"We have loads of time to cuddle, I wanna draw you." Peeta answers.

"So that's what you wanted to do?" I question.

"Yeah, it's perfect and so beautiful out here and so are you so I thought it would be a perfect mix." Peeta says.

Only seconds later my cheeks change color and I look away hoping he wouldn't see.

But he does.

"Awww, your blushing." he says making me blush even more.

"Stopppppppppp." I say dragging and and gladly he does.

Peeta picks up his drawing pad that he's brought and starts sketching me.

He pulls out the bobble at the bottom of my hair and it falls around my shoulders.

He picks up a daisy and places it in my hair.

"Perfect." he says moving back a little so he can see my better.

I move my head a little and Peeta tells me not to move at all.

"Can I talk?" I ask giggling a little at his face that is concentrating so much.

"As long at you don't move." he says looking up from the drawing at minute to smile at me.

"Does it bother you that where sitting on all our dead friends and family?" I ask him.

He pauses a minute before continuing.

"Well not really, there gone but we will always remember them." He answers.

There's some more silence before I ask something else.

"Are you nearly done? I'm starting to get a stiff neck." I ask.

"Yeah just one second...... done." he says looking rather proudly.

"Can I see it?" I question.

"Yeah, come here." he answers.

I crawl over to Peeta to look at the drawing and I'm shocked by what I see.

This girl in the picture is beautiful and calm but it's me.

I don't feel beautiful or special so that's why I'm really surprised.

"Who's this you drew cause it's certainly not me." I ask still on awe.

"It's the beautiful woman sitting right next to me." he says turning my head to face him.

"I'm not even pretty though but that picture is ..... wow." I say lost of words.

"No your not pretty, your beautiful and your the most perfect, loving person in the whole world and I love you with all my heart." he says

Peeta is really good with words and he always shocks me.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt him wiping my cheek.

"Don't cry." Peeta says. "I didn't mean to make you upset." he adds.

"You didn't, I just sometimes can't believe that your actually here with me." I say smiling through my tears.

"Well believe it, you love me and I love you and I'm not going anywhere."

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