Letters from Peeta

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"It's so good to be home." I say opening the door to our house in the victors village.

"Sure is." I hear peeta say as he drags the suitcase in from outside.

It's almost 5.30 at night and the train has not long just pulled into the station.

We got a delay in district 7 so we would of been home earlier.

Peeta goes to take the suitcase upstairs but I stop him.

"Peeta il do it." I say grabbing a hold of the handle.

"It's fine katniss, you go and rest." Peeta smiles snd I feel my stomach flutter.

Even though I can tell he's really tired he's still telling me to go and rest.

"You've been carrying it all week, il do it." I say taking it off his hands so he can't do it himself.

"Fine but get me if you need help unpacking." he says knowing he's not going to win.

"I will." I answer before making my way to the stairs.

It took a bit of effort but I finally got it to the top and into our room.

I unpack it and put the used clothes in the laundry basket before taking the un used clothes back to the closet.

I pick up the suitcase which is now really light and lift it up placing it in its usual spot at the top of peetas wardrobe.

Before I close the door I feel something that feels like paper fall and hit me.

I look down confused and see a few folded up sheets of paper lying on the floor.

I carefully close and the door and sit on mine and peetas bed with the paper in my hands.

I know I should just put them back since they are probably peetas and I shouldn't invade.

But something stops me.

I turn them over to see my full name written on them with a love heart next to it.

If they are addressed to me then I should be able to read them shouldn't I?

Before thinking about it I open the first of 2 letters and and look over it.

The writing looks so much younger, kind of like a 5 or 6 year old wrote it.

Dear katniss,

I seen you for the first time at school today. My daddy pointed you out to me and said he was going to marry your mommy.

You had two braids in your hair and you looked very pretty.

You sang the valley song in class to day and I swear all the birds stopped to listen.

It was amazing.

Maybe we could be friends someday?

From Peeta Mellark.

My mouth drops open when I realise what these letters are.

They are letters from Peeta when he was younger.

I read the letter over and over again smiling at what it says.

It's a bit hard to understand and I'm guessing someone helped him with the spelling but it was still lovely.

I can't believe that even at a young age he thought so much of me.

He's always told me that he's loved me since we were 5.

But seeing it is a different thing and it brings a different feeling.

I remember there was more so I placed the first letter on the bed and picked up the next.

Dear katniss,

It's been 6 years now and i still haven't getting the courage to speak to you.

I often see you with your little sister primrose walking to school, you look really happy with her.

Today I got beaten off my mom for burning the bread.

I did it on purpose though because I wanted to give it to you.

I'm mad at myself though.

I should of just gone out in the rain instead of been selfish and throwing it at you.

I wish everyday that I could help you and your family.

I don't like to see you in pain or upset.

I know your hurting but just don't give up.

Your family need you.

Love Peeta Mellark

I think about the day that Peeta give me the bread.

He did give me hope, I started hunting and gathering food for my little sister and mom who was grieving.

"Katniss?" I hear Peeta ask snapping me out my thoughts.

"What are you reading?" He asks confused coming into the bedroom.

I smile down at the letters knowing there's no time to hide the fact that I've found and read them.

"The fell out the wardrobe and I know I shouldn't of read them but I seen my name." I say handing them to Peeta as he sits now next to me on the bed.

It takes a while for him to work out what they are but once he does he turns away embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I was going to give them to you when we were kids but I never go the chance to." he says finally looking at me again.

"Peeta it's fine, there very sweet." I say putting his hand in mine.

"They made me smile and even though you mentioned prim, I have good thoughts." i continue looking in his blue eyes.

"There was more but this is all I could keep before we went back to the capitol." he says and I feel my heard beat faster but in a good way.

"Did you write a lot?" I can't help but ask.

"Yes, but only about you." he says not meeting my eyes again.

"Peeta, I loved reading them and I think it's very sweet what 5 year old you though of me." I say getting up and sitting on his lap.

"I've told you the story before?." he asks and I know he's meaning to he conversation we had in the cave in our first games.

"Real, but seeing it wrote down is amazing." I answer before pulling him in for a kiss.

"I'm sorry about the other letters." he says once we pull away.

"They don't matter, you've got me now so if you ever remember what you put you can just tell me." I smile and he smiles back.

"That's all I've ever wanted." he says kissing my cheek.

"We're are willow and Noah?" I ask since we've been here a while.

"Playroom, i promised them some cheese buns before bed so we better go." he says tapping my side so il stand up.

"I was comfy cuddling you." I say pouting.

"We can cuddle later." he smiles before leaving the room making me grin.

Thanks everyone who commented on the last chapter.

I just needed to know incase I needed to start bringing this story to an end :)

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