Better than before

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I open my eyes to see the bedroom curtains closed opposite me but I'm confused since I fell asleep downstairs.

I remember falling asleep on the couch while watching a film I don't remember.

I then get a flashback from last night and remember Peeta must of brought me upstairs.

I wake up feeling like I'm flying in the air.

I feel strong arms around me and realise Peeta is picking me up.

My vision becomes clearer as I feel his arms keeping a steady grip on me.

"Go back to sleep katniss, I'm just taking you up stairs." he says softly.

"I was alright downstairs." I mumble tiredly.

"You didn't look very comfortable and you nearly fell of the couch." he whispers.

We reach the bedroom and he places me in bed.

Peeta then gets into bed next to me and pulls the covers over us both.

"Go back to sleep baby, I'm here." Peeta says kissing my head.

But before I can hear or say anything back, I'm sleeping again.

I roll over in bed to see Peeta is still sleeping so it must be quite early.

Although we did have a late night again yesterday.

I decide that since Peeta always does it, I'm going to make pancakes today.

I climb out of bed and quietly make my way downstairs trying not to wake my prince.

After a few bad attempts I finally manage to make 6 good pancakes.

I just manage to place them on the plates and set the table just as Peeta comes downstairs.

"Morning beautiful, thought you would still be in bed." Peeta says kissing my lips softly.

"I woke up early for some reason and decided to make you pancakes." I say kissing him back once more.

"I can see, they look good." Peeta says taking a seat.

"Not sure they will taste the way they look." I mumble but Peeta still heard.

"Let me see." Peeta says taking a bite.

I pull a face expecting his reaction to be bad but it seems good.

"Wow they are actually alright." Peeta says eating some more.

I take a bite of one of mine and I'm surprised to what they taste like.

"They are much better than the last time I made them." I say.

"That's because the last time you made them they ended up tiny and burned." Peeta says smiling.

"I tried." I answer back also smiling.

"Well you might be just picking up from the best baker in town." Peeta says pointing at himself.

"And who might that be?" I question teasing him.

"Me of course." He says as if I didn't know.

"I know I was joking, I still think your pancakes are the best." I say honestly.

"I've been doing it a lot longer than you." Peeta says.

"But you will get there eventually." he continues.

"Well it doesn't take long with a brilliant teacher like you." I say smirking.

"Well it's easy to teach with an even better and gorgeous student like you." he answers just as we finish.

We decide to help each other pack away the dishes together and Peeta helps me clean the table.

He opens the bin and sees the bad pancakes inside.

"Well at least you didn't make me eat that." Peeta says picking up the hard pancake.

He slams it on the bench and it makes a loud noise not even breaking.

"Yeah it went a bit wrong but I wasn't going to make you eat it." I say as he throws it away again.

"Well I'm glad because I probably would of still been trying to eat it for another 5 years." Peeta says making me giggle.

"Yeah it's a bit stiff." I say before Peeta gives me a look.

We start drying the dishes when Peeta says something that makes me sad.

"You know we only have two more days left here." he says looking at me.

"Yeah I know but it's been great so far." I reply honestly.

"It's been the best holiday ever." Peeta answers.

"It's the only holiday we have been on." I say smiling.

"Oh yeah." Peeta says laughing.

"We have to make a great 2 more days." Peeta adds.

"We will, don't you worry." I answer as he pulls me into a loving hug.

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