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"Peeta my feet are killing." I complain to my husband.

"Come here." Peeta replies walking into the living room where I'm lying on the sofa.

He sits on the end of the sofa and lifts my feet up resting them on his knees.

He starts rubbing my feet making me sigh happily.

"That better?" he wonders.

"Yeah thank you." I answer thankfully.

"Jonny brought over some cheese buns earlier." He's says pointing to the bag on the table.

"Can I have some later?" I question.

"Whatever you want." Peeta smiles.

"They won't be the same as yours though." I answer sadly.

"I will make sure to make some when we have spare time." he replies.

I look over at the tv and suddenly get a thought about the capitol.

"Has there been any recent news on us?" I question looking at Peeta.

"There was something on this morning asking where we were and when you were due." he says making me mad.

"Well for the first question we are in the house away from people taking pictures and for the last question, it's none of there business." I say making Peeta laugh.

"I don't want them taking pictures of our babies." I say sadly.

"They don't even know your having to." Peeta says proudly.

"Anyway the double pushchair has a cover so they won't be able to see anything unless we get them out" Peeta continues.

"Good, i just want to live out lies in peace and I don't want to go to the capitol." I say truthfully.

"Then we won't go, it's up to us now what we do and not everyone else." Peeta answers making me smile.

My eyes start closing since I didn't get much sleep last night.

"You tired?" Peeta asks.

"Yeah I didn't get much sleep last night." I reply truthfully.

"Did you have a nightmare? how come I didn't hear you scream?" he wonders confused.

"No, the babies were kicking all night." I answer looking down at my stomach.

Peeta puts his hand on my stomach making them kick again.

"Hey calm down, let mommy have a rest." Peeta says.

He leans down to kiss my stomach making me smile.

They don't calm down I can still feel them kicking.

But surprisingly they don't kick as much.

"They have stopped kicking really hard." I say looking at Peeta.

"See not even born and they are already listening to me." Peeta smirks.

"In that case, getting them to sleep should be easy." I reply sticking my tongue out.

"Okay you lie here and I'm going to take a shower okay." Peeta says standing up.

"Okay." I reply as he kisses me on the head.

I hear Peeta wonder up the stairs since he's not quiet at all walking.

Once I hear the water start running I close my eyes listening to the faint sound of the tv.

Placing my hand on my stomach I soon fall asleep.

10 minutes later

I wake up with a joint.

But I'm not sure why since I didn't have a nightmare and I wasn't asleep long enough to have one.

I soon realise why when I feel a jointing pain go through my stomach.

I stand up starting to breath heavily when i feel water running down my legs.

Oh no.

"Peeta." I scream trying to get his attention.

No answer.

"Peeta hurry." I scream again starting to panic.

What if he went out when I fell asleep?

How am I suppose to reach the phone when I can't even stand up very well?

I'm only 37 weeks pregnant so my babies are 3 weeks early.

Thankfully I hear Peeta come rushing down the stairs.

"Katniss what happened? Did you spill something?" he wonders confused.

"No I didn't spill anything peetaaaaa-." I scream not finishing my sentence since another contraction hits.

"The babies are coming." I finally finished squeezing Peetas hand.

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