This is forever

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We walk to the meadow on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

The kids walking a little ahead with Gus by their side.

Protecting them.

It might seem strange to many people that I feel Gus looks after them but to me it's normal.

He's just a smaller version of me and Peeta.

Always watching.

We enter the meadow and take a seat with the burning sun shining above us.

It's not too hot though, with the little breeze that comes and goes.

It's perfect, just like my family.

Me and Peeta hold each other as we watch our 4 beautiful children play.

Willow with her long brown hair just like mine and her sinning blue eyes.

Noah with his short blond hair that matches Peeta's and his grey eyes like mine.

Lily oppose to Willow with her long blond hair and grey eyes like her brother Noah.

Finally Tyler, who's opposite Noah with his short dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes like Willow.

They're all perfect, a mixture between me and Peeta.

I'm so glad I decide to have children and marry Peeta.

I don't know what my life would be without them.

It was hard after the war, the scars we still have and the biggest of all.

I lost my sister.

But Peeta lost family too.

Together we healed each other and it took along time but we got there.

Having the children brought us closer together, they completed us.

Life without them is unthinkable.

I'm sad that there growing up but I can't stop it.

Time isn't something that can be stopped even though many times I wished it was possible.

We've been though everything together.

The good and the bad but we've made it.

I know I still get nightmares but they aren't as often or violent.

Peeta still has flashbacks but that was expected.

I will never know exactly what happened or what the flashbacks are about.

Unless he wants to talk, il never ask.

I know how he feels, I'm not always up to talking myself.

Knowing we're going to have to tell our kids about the games haunts me but I know with Peeta beside me we can get through it.

I rest my head on Peetas shoulder and I feel his arm wrapping around my waist.

Thinking about the times we weren't together makes me shiver.

Peeta notices.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"Completely perfect." I reply honestly.

I'm just thinking too much, were together now and that's all that matters.

Me, Peeta, the kids and our friends.

We're all here for each other.

"Your right, you are perfect." Peeta grins before carefully lying me down on the grass.

I giggle when he puts a small flower in my hair before looking deeply into my eyes.

It's a cute gesture and I love it.

I love everything about him.

We stare at each other for what feels like hours before our lips connect.

We kiss passionately until air breaks us apart.

Stupid air!

"Katniss Mellark, you are my life and I could never think of spending it with anyone else." Peeta says making my heart melt.

"Same goes Peeta Mellark, this is forever?" I ask even though I know the answer.

"This is forever." he confirms before pecking my lips again.

So after when he whispers "You love me real or not real?"

I tell him.


This is forever.

This is it guys, 205 chapters long and its finished.

I want to thank everyone who has voted and commented on my story.

I never thought it would go so far and I've loved every minute of writing it.

If anyone is interested I've started a new story called Panem high and if you don't mind check out the first chapter.

Thank you! Love you all! 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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