Prims birthday

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My eyes open when I feel heat on my face.

It's sunny but I can still feel the wind that is making the curtains move.

I turn over to see peetas still sleeping peacefully.

I smile thinking about how peaceful he looks.

I check the clock to see it's only 6.

Tyler and lily had a great night last night, they only woke once and fell back asleep almost instantly.

I frown when I remember it's Prims birthday.

I wonder what it would be like if she were still alive.

She'd probably have a boyfriend now who I would have to keep an eye on.

I carefully move peetas arm from around my waist deciding I'm not going to be able to sleep again.

I quickly and quietly pull on some clothes before checking on all 4 kids.

I make my way downstairs just as the phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask rather quietly.

Who would ring at this time in the morning.

"Katniss, it's your mom." the voice says making me sigh.

"Now are you?" i ask although it's not really a good question.

If I'm not feeling good then I don't know how my mom must be feeling.

"I suppose I'm okay, I just wish things could have been different." she replies and I nod my head forgetting she can't see me.

"Me too, a lot different." I answer honestly.

"Are you.. Are you going to see her grave?" She asks and I hear her voice crack.

"I am." I reply trying to hard not to cry.

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there katniss, I couldn't get a train in time, they were all full." she says and I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Mom it's fine, I don't blame you for not been here, I know it's hard." I say truthfully because it is.

It's hard for everyone after a loss of a loved one.

I can't even imagine how Annie could cope after Finnick.

If I ever lost Peeta i know I wouldn't be here now.

"I still should of tried harder to get there, i promise I will come as soon as I can." she sighs.

"It's okay, i promise." I say as my eyes drift over to the clock.


Peeta will be waking soon so I need to go now.

"Mom I'm going to go now, il call you later." I say waiting for her reply.

"Okay katniss, I love you." she answers.

"I love you too." i reply before the line goes dead.

I grab my coat and shoes before making my way to the doorway.

I look upstairs once more before quietly leaving our house

I check my bedroom window before making my way to the graveyard.

I feel bad because I left Peeta alone without any notice.

But I couldn't tell him.

I go to the grave knowing which one it is straight away.

I lean down next to her before closing my eyes thinking about the good times we had together as kids.

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