Peetas present

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I take a slow walk from our house careful on the falling snow.

It's been snowing loads lately and become very slippy from the ice.

I cross my arm feeling cold as I make my way to town.

There's not many people about, probably all getting their kids ready for tomorrow.

I smile at the thought of willow and Noah and how happy they will be to see that Santa has come for them.

I feel bad about leaving peeta with the babies but I really need a present for him.

I walk into a shop with Christmas lights handing up outside.

As soon as I step inside, the heat hits me making me shiver but feel warmer.

I haven't had much time but I have decided on getting peeta a watch with always engraved on.

I see a woman that works at the shop walking over to me.

"Hi there, can I help you?" She asks politely.

"Hi yeah I would like to buy this watch here but could I have always engraved on to it?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course." she smiles opening the cable to get the expensive watch out.

She takes it to the back telling me she will just be a moment.

While she is out the back I have another look around and something catches my eye.

I see a wonderful gold chain handing on one of the shelves and I get a great idea.

I decide that I'm gonna buy that and put a picture of Noah in one side and willow in the other.

I take it to the desk just as the woman comes out with the watch.

"Is this okay?" she wonders as she places it in my hand.

"Perfect." I tell her honestly.

"Also could I buy this?" I ask showing her the chain.

"Sure you can." she replies as she gets the bill.

I hand over the money as she places the items wrapped up in a safe bag small enough to fit in my pocket.

Perfect for when I get back home so peeta won't see.

"Have a great Christmas." she says as she hands me the bag and I put it in my pocket.

"You to and thank you." I say waving goodbye.

I step into the cold as soon as I go out the shop.

I start walking back home when I see the lights of the bakery on.

I decide to go in and see if Jonny is still inside.

As soon as I open the door I hear the bell ring.

Jonny comes out from the back and smiles when he sees me.

"Shouldn't you be at home." he says grabbing his coat.

"Had to get something for peeta, you just leaving?" I wonder.

"Yeah we were really busy today." he answers.

"And peeta, that reminds me I need to give you something." He says going out the back behind the counter.

He comes back out a few seconds later holding what looks like a letter

"I found this earlier but I promise that I haven't read it." He says handing it to me.

I look down to see its for peeta and my eyes quickly run over it.

I finally realise what it is. Its a letter to peeta from his family and by the date of was not long before they died.

"Thank you." I say hugging him quickly.

"It's fine, I just thought you should give it to him whatever it's about." he says as we pull away.

"I will, listen I have to go now but have a very lovely Christmas." I smile walking to the door.

"You to katniss." he relies as he turns off the lights.

I leave the bakery and walk home a little faster since it's getting late.

I soon reach the victors village and walk up the steps.

Suddenly I slip on one of the steps and hit my arm, it's not bad so I quickly get up.

I open the door and peetas happy face appears soon after.

"Hi baby." he says once he sees me.

"Hi." I say trying to ignore the pain in my arm.

By the way it's feeling I know that there is blood.

Peeta sees my face in pain and knows theirs something wrong.

"Katniss what's happened." he asks walking closer to me.

"I'm fine I just slipped outside." I say honestly.

I take off my coat and carefully hang it on the coat hanger so peeta won't hear the presents inside.

I pull up my sleeve and see that my elbow has a massive cut on it.

"Oh my goodness we need to get you clean." peeta says suddenly.

He takes me into the kitchen and starts getting out the box that contains wipes and plasters.

"Are willow and Noah okay?" I ask wondering.

"They are fine, upstairs asleep." he says as he wipes my arm up.

"Ah that stings." I say jumping.

"I know I'm sorry." he says kissing me.

He puts a plaster on my arm before bringing me into a hug.

"Does that feel okay." he wonders.

"Fine." I reply smiling.

"You ready to sleep?" he asks pulling away.

"What about the presents." I wonder confused.

"Follow me." peeta smirks holding my hand.

I follow him into the sitting room and gasp.

He has set all of the presents out for willow and Noah and it looks amazing.

"Peeta I would of helped but this looks amazing." I say hugging him tightly.

"It's fine baby you have done enough and you need a rest." peeta say making my heart melt.

Even though peeta has been doing just as much as me with willow and Noah over the past 6 months.

He still feels the need to let me have the rest.

I lean my head on my husbands shoulder and he wraps his arm around me.

For once in my life I can actually say I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Me and my beautiful family.

Sorry for not updating in a while like I said I would.

I've had loads of homework recently which is really annoying.

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions for peetas present, it really helped me.

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