Christmas day

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I wake up to the feeling of my wonderful husbands comforting arms.

I smile at the thought of what day today is.

Christmas Day.

I roll over to face peeta and kiss him on the lips slowly.

It's not long before his beautiful blue eyes matching willows open to meet my grey ones.

"Morning beautiful, that was an amazing way to wake up." he smiles giving me a proper kiss.

"Morning Peeta and merry Christmas." I smile as we pull away.

"Merry Christmas to you to." he replies stroking my hair out of my face.

I hear shuffling coming from the baby monitor and I know willow and Noah are waking up.

"Let's go get the babies." I say excitedly jumping out of bed.

"Chill." Peeta smiles climbing out of bed.

We go into willow and Noahs room to see them both wide awake.

"Hi sweethearts, happy Christmas." I say leaning down to get willow as peeta gets Noah.

We carry them both downstairs on our hips excited for them.

As we walk into the living room willow starts making sounds on my hip making me smile.

Me and peeta sit together on the floor as we get willow and Noah their first present.

Since they are only 6 months they struggle on opening things so me and peeta help.

They get loads of new toys, clothes and supplies on helping them grow like a baby walker each.

We didn't get them any toys with small parts since they are at the stage of putting anything in their mouths.

We also got them a few more teething toys since they have already both got their first tooth.

Once they are finished me and peeta pick up all the wrapping paper from the floor.

"Should I make us some breakfasts?" peeta wonders standing up with some rubbish in his hands.

"Of course, il be fine here. " i reply happily.

Peeta leaves to make breakfast as I stay with the babies.

Willow picks up a toy and shows it to me.

"Do you want me to open this?" I ask even though I know she won't answer.

I open up the box and make sure all small parts in the wrapping is out of the way.

I put it back in front of her and turn it on as it makes smiles.

Willow laughs as Noah crawls over intrigued.

Peeta comes back into the kitchen smiling with some toast and cheese buns on a plate and two bottles of milk.

"Is that my baby girl I heard laughing?" Peeta asks sitting down next to me again.

"It was, she thinks the toys making sounds is funny." I reply since willow can't.

I feed willow her bottle while eating cheese buns as peeta does the same with Noah.

"Is your mam coming over today?" peeta questions burping Noah.

"Later, for dinner I think." I reply.

"What about Annie and Johanna?" he wonders.

"In two days time." i reply honestly.

Johanna and Annie have decide to stay in four for a couple of days over Christmas before coming to 12.

"Haymich is coming for dinner aswell." I mention.

"That's fine, we will let these nap while I start it and I also have something for you." peeta smiles as we put the babies back on the floor to play.

"I've got you something aswell." I say truthfully.

That reminds me that I need to wrap peetas present up since I only had time to wrap one.

"Maybe we can give each other's tonight when willow and Noah are in bed?" I ask looking at him.

"That would be great." he says hugging me close.

We check the clock to see its nearly 11 and decide to take willow and Noah to bed for a nap.

We take the babies upstairs and change their nappies before lying them down to rest.

We get changed into better clothes before walking downstairs together and into the kitchen.

We get out the food before helping each other quietly to make Christmas lunch for our family.

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