Christmas eve eve

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It's two days before Christmas and everything is busy.

My babies are growing up so fast it's actually sad but exciting.

Willow and Noah have both learnt how to sit up by them selfs.

But the crawling is a different story.

Willow is getting there but Noah not quite.

I'm sure he will get there soon enough but it's better if they aren't moving around.

There's so many Christmas decorations that the babies might knock them down.

We have decided to put the Christmas tree up tomorrow since it's Christmas Eve.

But I still have one promos I haven't got anything for Peeta and feel like I don't have no time.

I know he's got something for me since I'm not allowed in a certain room.

The babies presents are all sorted and wrapped and we have enough food for Christmas lunch.

I feel Peetas arm snake around me making me smile.

We watch as the snow falls outside our warm house.

"Noah wants to show you something." peeta whispers into into my hair.

I turn to him confused wrapping my arms around his neck.

"How do you know? did he tell you?" I smirk feeling confused.

"No I just know these things." he relies kissing my forehead.

I hold his hand as we walk into the sitting room where our babies play.

"Hey sweety." I say sitting down next to willow.

Noah smiles at me before chewing on his toy.

"Show mammy what you showed me." peeta says making me give him a look.

"He's not going to understand that." I laugh.

Weirdly enough Noah turns to his hands and knees before crawling a few inches.

Before I have time to say anything gus runs out of nowhere and knocks Noah as he falls on his tummy before getting a sad lip.

I quickly scoop him up into my arms comforting him.

"Aww baby, your nearly there that was gus' fault." I say rubbing his small back.

Gus disappears again unaware that he hurt our baby boy.

Willow looks at us confused to why Noah is crying on my shoulder.

Peeta picks her up so she doesn't feel left out even though she probably doesn't understand.

I check the time before turning to face peeta.

"We better get these pumpkins to bed." I say using a new nickname.

"Of corse." he smiles as we stand up.

I carry Noah upstairs while peeta carries willow in his arms.

I put Noah onto the changing mat before taking off his dirty clothes.

I change his nappy while peeta hands me some clean pjs with snowflakes on.

I quickly dress him so he keeps warm while peeta changes willow.

I sit with Noah in my arms silently rocking him feeding him his bottle.

As I look over to peeta I feel a small hand grab my hair.

I look down to see Noah with a chunk of my hair in his hands as he puts it in his mouth.

"Not my hair Noah, milk is much better." I say taking my now milky hair out of his mouth carefully.

In a matter of seconds a smile appears on Noahs face making me smile.

He soon falls asleep in my arms and I see that willow is in peetas arms also sleeping.

I give Noah a kiss before placing him inside his cot as peeta does the same with willow.

I make sure the blanket is tucked nicely around Noah so he doesn't get cold.

I walk over and kiss willow as peeta kisses Noah.

I walk out first with peeta following as we make our way back downstairs.

We clean up the toys and make sure there is a place for the tree tomorrow.

We settle down on the sofa before cuddling close together keeping each other warm.

"I love you." peeta whispers kissing me on the lips.

"I love you to." I reply once we pull away.

"I'm so excited for Christmas." I say resting my head on his chest.

"Only one more day." peeta replies playing with my hair.

"It's going to be a busy day tomorrow." I say signing.

"We will get through it, once it's over we have a very great day to enjoy." peeta answers Hugging me tighter.

"This is going to be the best Christmas that I've ever had." I tell peeta honestly.

"Same for me, it's going to be prefect." peeta says bringing my lips back to his.

As we pull away we start to fall asleep to tired to go up stairs.

Sorry that I haven't updated in what feels like ages but I've been sick and off school.

Anyway, I'm so excited for Mockingjay to come out only 52 more days ahhhhh.

Let the rebellion begin.

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