Boy or girl?

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The doctor squeezes the cold jel on my stomach making me squirm.

Even through its only been a couple of weeks since I last hand it on I can't help but move.

It's just to cold.

Peetas hand finds mine and he kisses my fingers.

I turn to smile at him and gladly he returns it.

I look at the screen just as our baby comes up.

It's not completely clear but you can see the small image.

I hear peeta gasp and I can't help but smile.

"Well it looks like your having a little girl." the doctor smiles moving the monitor around.

"If you look here you can see her little hands." she smiles and I turn to peeta.

Seeing that he has the biggest smile ever on his face makes me even happier.

The doctor plugs in something and after a few seconds I hear the most amazing sound ever.

Mine and peetas little girls heartbeat.

One of the best sounds ever.

Call me stupid but i think it's amazing.

The same feelings rush through me as they did when I heard willows and Noahs for the first time.

Although we didn't know they were twins.

I turn just in time to see peeta wiping away a few fallen tears making my heart melt.

The doctor hands me a hanky and I clean off the jel from my stomach.

Peeta helps me sit up and I stand.

"Congratulations, remember to make another appointment in an months time." she smiles shaking peetas hand then mine.

"Thank you." we both reply before smiling at each other.

Peeta holds my hand as we leave the office back into the cold.

Just as I'm about to speak peeta turns to me.

"I can't believe we are having another little girl, another you." peeta beams binging me into a hug.

"Me neither, I honestly thought it was going to be another boy" I reply honestly.

"That's what you thought last time." peeta grins pulling away to peck my lips.

"Actually we were both right last time." I laugh as he joins in.

"Very true." he says before bringing me as close as possible to give me a longer kiss.

My hands make their way into his hair as i pull his lips closer.

His hands making their way down to the sides of my stomach when I feel something making me pull away.

Something coming from inside me.

"What's wrong?" Peeta wonders confused.

"Did you not feel that?" I question shocked.

I certainly did and since his hands were there I'm surprised he didn't.

"No?" He asks interested.

"Here." I say taking his hand and moving it to my stomach.

It takes a few seconds but I feel it again.

We both feel it.

It's not hard or massive.

But it's there, little kicks.

Our baby is kicking.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't think it happened until later on?" Peeta asks fascinated.

"Anywhere from around 4 months I think, maybe this baby is just hyper." I laugh as peeta smiles.

"I don't mind, as long as she doesn't hurt you." peeta says looking deeply into my eyes.

Blue on grey.

"It doesn't hurt, she's fine." i tell him truthfully.

"You hungry? We have time before we need to get willow and noah." peeta says taking my hand.

"Peeta I'm always hungry, plus somehow I know this little one is too." I smile pointing at my stomach.

"Then I better get you too fed." he grins as we start walking.

We've having a baby girl.

Hey guys sorry if this is boring and sorry for not updating.

It's assessment week at my school so I've been really busy with revision and homework.

Anyway here you go.

There's a surprise coming soon which I think you should all be happy with.

You love me real or not real?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें