Hold me close

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I wake up suddenly with the urge to throw up.

I quickly unwrap myself from Peetas grip needing to be sick.

I bolt out out bed jumping over the top of Peeta quickly.

I rush to the bathroom and make it there just in time to throw up yesterday's dinner.

A fews seconds later I feel Peetas warm hands rubbing my back smoothly.

He holds up my hair so that it doesn't get in the way.

Once I'm finished Peeta helps me stand up and I use mouthwash to wash the horrible taste out of it.

"Are you okay?" Peeta asks tying my hair up into a bun.

"Yeah I just feel sick and have no idea why." I say washing my face.

"Has this happened recently?" Peeta question.

I think back to yesterday and how I wasn't going to tell him I was sick in the woods.

It looks like I'm going to have to now.


"Erm no, no." I say walking back into the bedroom.

"Katniss." Peeta says knowing I'm lying.

"Okay, I was sick yesterday in the woods." I say wrapping the blankets around me.

"Why didn't you tell me baby?" Peeta asks getting in besides me.

"Cause I didn't want to worry you." I tell him honestly.

"Hey, you can tell me anything. It's my job to look after you." Peeta says turning my head so I'm looking at him.

"I'm sorry i didn't." I say finally meeting his eyes.

"That's okay, just next time make sure you tell me so I can help you better." He answers kissing me on the lips.

"Do you want to sleep?" he asks lying me back down.

"Yeah, I'm still pretty tired." I tell him yawning.

"Yeah well if your sick your going to be more tired than normal." He says looking over to the clock.

"It's 6.15." he continues.

Just as I'm about to close my eyes I feel Peeta getting off the bed.

I suddenly panic and call out to him.

"Please don't leave me." I say rather loudly.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm just going to get a bucket just in case your sick again." he answers kissing me on the forehead.

Peeta heads to the bathroom and comes back a few seconds later with a bucket and a sick tablet with a glass of water.

"Here take this." he says handing it to me.

I take the tablet and water carefully out of his hand.

I place it in my mouth and with a gulp out water I drink it down.

Peeta places the bucket next to me so I can easily reach it and climbs back into bed placing the glass on the counter.

He holds me close again giving me another sweet kiss just before I drift off.

One thought lies in my head most of the night.

I keep been sick when I don't have the flu.

I feel dozy at random times on and off.

I'm suddenly sleeping a lot longer when I used to get up early to hunt.

And why do I want ice cream at 6.15 in the morning?

I need to go to the doctors.

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