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Three nights in row I have been having nightmares about her. I wake up screaming and wrestling with Peeta thinking he is trying to help kill her.

I've lost sleep for three nights now so by the fourth I stay awake.

I go downstairs a read through the book. The book that has all those horrid memories in. Then after a while I fall asleep.

I must of been crying and probably screaming aswell because I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and drag me away from the memories I'm reliving in my head.

I'm surprised that I'm in Peetas arms because I'm not in the bed but downstairs on the sofa instead.

He doesn't ask what I dreamed about because I was probably screaming her name the whole time.

I try to calm myself but I look down to see I'm still holding the memory book.

I suddenly become angry and I take the book and slam it down on the table knocking over a vase as they both shatter to the floor.

I'm about to grab something else to smash when I feel the same arms again holding me back.

I turn around and let him hold me tighter. He pics me up and takes me over to the couch when I sit down on his lap I see that my feet at bleeding.

Peeta starts to move away from me "Peeta." I call out

"I'm not leaving." he comes back and moves my hair out of my face.

"I just need to get to cleaned up." He says rubbing my arm.

"I can't do this anymore." I can't finish though but what can't i do?

"Come here" Peeta pulls me forward and I allow him to.

"Okay you ready to get cleaned up?" he starts picking up all the glass so we won't step on it again.

While he's cleaning up the glass and me I tell him about my dream. He tells me about his mother and how she use to hit him all the time.

I've stopped crying and Peeta cracks a few jokes cheering me up.

I start laughing like I haven't for a whole now. Peeta seems to notice.

"You haven't done that in a while" he whispers. My smile drops and I turn my face away looking down.

"Thank you for making me feel better and well for making me laugh again" I say as I hug him maybe with more force than normal.

"Are you ready to sleep?" he asked when we pull away.

"Yeah but first I need to write it down or il dream the same thing again." I say painfully.

Peeta grabs the book that's now a little ripped and brings it over to me with a pen.

"Do you want me to...."

"Stay with me?" I interrupt him.

"Always" he tells me.

You love me real or not real?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon