The big big day

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I wake up to the sound of a bang. At first I thought I was having another nightmare but I could hear people talking.

I opened my eyes and to my surprise stood there in the bed room was my old prep team.

"Katniss, it's lovely to see you." they all spoke at once.

"It's good to see you to, it's been a while." I say sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I look next to where I was sleeping and notice Finn isn't next to me.

But the sounds of laughter and talking from him and Annie shows he's okay.

"Right out of bed mockingjay." Venia says pulling me up.

I greet them all by giving each person a hug and I'm about to ask where Effie is but I hear her voice before I get the chance.

"Well hello my dear, lets get you ready it's a big big day." she says walking into the bedroom.

She comes over to me and greets me with hug and she surprises me by giving me a kiss on each cheek.

Before I have a chance to reply Flavius, Venia and Octavia drag me into the bathroom closing the for behind them.

They put me in the bath and start putting removable hair cream on my legs and armpits and any other places where hair is needed to be removed.

After they wash my hair in some coconut shampoo that smells wonderful.

Once they are happy they tell me to get out of the bath and put a robe on my body to keep me covered.

They sit me on a chair and start with my nails.

"Wow katniss you have finally stopped chewing your nails." Flavius says as they start putting a white coat of nail varnish on them.

"Now make up, how would you like it?" they asks me.

It makes me feel different with them asking me how I want it because I never got the chance to before.

"Just light please, not to much." I answer politely.

"Of course anything for he bride." Octavia replies.

Once they are finished with the make up they start on my hair.

After about 5 minutes of them deciding on how to do it they finally agree on leaving it down naturally curly but they put a hairband with flowers on in my hair.

I hear a knock on the door and Annie comes in holding my wedding dress.

I see that she is already wearing the bridesmaid dress and she looks wonderful.

"Wow Annie, you look gorgeous." I tell her honestly.

"Thank you katniss but your the one who's going to be shining at the alter." she says making me smile.

She soon leaves saying she has to get Finn ready and I get handed my wedding dress.

They let me go into the bathroom to get changed in private witch makes me feel better.

I pull on a matching set of bra and pants and then slip the wedding dress over my body.

When I look in the morrow I looked shocked.

I don't look like the girl who was starving to death or who was in the hunger games TWICE or leading a rebellion.

I look like a healthy girl who is about to marry the man of her dreams.

Even though she has had a terrible past she is ready to heal with the help of her soon to be husband.

I start thinking about Peeta and how he must be doing since I can't talk to him.

I missed him so much last night but once we see each other today we never have to let one another go again.

I must have been lost in my thoughts a long time because I hear my prep team outside the door.

"Katniss dear, are you okay?" they question.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm coming now." I tell them.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and after one last look in the mirror I open the door.

"Oh my-." they gasp making me blush.

They all start crying and it's making me want to now but I try and stop myself.

"Cinna would of loved to be here." Venia says making me think of him.

But hearing his name makes me wish that he could be here and thinking of him makes me think of her.


She would of been so beautiful and she would of been the best bride maid ever.

I must of let out a tear because they all come rushing to me telling me it's okay.

"Cry any more and we will have to re do your make up." Octavia says making me smile through my tears.

I finally stop crying and think about how prim or Cinna wouldn't want me like this.

They will always be in my heart and they will both be together with Rue, my dad, Finnick and anybody else who was involved with the rebellion and games.

Before I can say anything else Johanna and Annie come rushing into the room.

"Come on brainle- oh-" Johanna stops mid sentence.

Her and Annie stand looking and me with their mouths hanging open.

"Wow katniss you look beautiful." Johanna says surprising me.

Surprising me because she called me beautiful but also because she never calls me katniss.

"I agree Johanna, I'm speechless. Peeta is the luckiest guy ever and he's going to be gobsmacked." Annie tells me.

"Thank you, both of you." is all I can say before I'm been dragged out of the room.

There I see the person who I haven't seen for almost a year.

"Katniss darling, you look wonderful." says my mom.

I rush over to her and hug her tightly not wanting to let go.

Me and my mom weren't that close before and after the games because she shut me out.

But I have forgiving her for all that because apart form Peeta she is my only real family.

Of course now I have Haymitch, Annie, Johanna, Finn and I suppose my prep team.

"Thank you mom and thanks for been here." I say to her pulling back from the hug.

"Anytime daring, I missed you and I want to to know that I'm sorry about how I shut you out and I love you so much." she tells me.

"It's okay, I've forgiving you mom I love you to and I miss you." I tell her honestly.

"Right katniss we have to stay on time, don't want to miss the big big wedding." Effie says breaking us apart.

I'm suddenly really nervous and Johanna must of noticed.

"Don't worry, Peeta isn't going to be able to take his eyes off you." she tells me making me feel much better.

Before I know it I'm put into a new district 12 car also known as a limo and I can only register one thing.

I'm going to be Mrs Mellark.

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