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"Katniss? Are you going to get up today?" I hear peetas voice coming from the doorway of our bedroom.

I open one eye before closing it again.

I know I should get up but I'm more tired than ever.

The baby has been kicking so much lately and noah and willow have been getting up really early.

I hear loud footsteps before the bed shifts.

"I know your awake and your tired but you really need to eat something babe." Peeta says kissing my forehead.

I look him in the eyes and smile.

"Okay il get up but you need to help me." I say with a smirk.

"That's fine with me, it's what I'm here for." peeta laughs before I push the covers from my body.

I sit up and Peeta helps me stand from the bed.

I forgot what it's like to be 6 months pregnant.

I can't believe how big I've gotten in the past two months.

I swear I'm carrying one very large baby.

"Come on." peeta says holding my hand before slowly leading me down the stairs.

I smile at willow and noah who are ready playing in their play pen.

I hear gus barking making me groan.

"Has he not been fed yet?" I wonder looking at peeta who's on putting some bread in the oven.

"He's had a whole bowl of food, he's just been lazy." peeta laughs and I smile.

"Go and sit down and il bring breakfast when it's ready." he says kissing my cheek.

I smile before going in to the living room and sitting on the sofa opposite to where noah and willow are playing.

I watch as they share toys and can't help but think about them when the new baby comes.

I know that they are going to be the best brother and sister that anyone could have.

Even at a very young age of two they are caring and always happy.

They have never cried much like any other child their age.

But I suppose that's a good thing, it means their happy and that's all I've ever wanted.

For mine and peetas children to be happy.

"Here you go." peeta says snapping me out of my daydreaming.

Gus rushes in from the kitchen and jumps on the sofa where peeta was about to sit.

I take a bite out of my cheese bun which is wonderfully warm.

"Hey mister, I was going to sit there." peeta says picking up gus before siting down and placing him on his knee.

I hear laughter and I realise that willow and Noah must of found peeta words funny.

I did in a way aswell.

Peeta never says the word 'mister'

"Has the baby been kicking much?" Peeta wonders turning on the tv.

"All night." I reply honestly and I hear peeta sigh.

"You know I'd help you if I could." he says seriously but my heart still flutters.

"I know you would" I reply truthfully.

"But I think you'd look pretty weird pregnant." I say with a laugh.

I hear peeta join in making me smile.

It makes me so happy when peeta laughs.

"I think I'd look amazing." peeta says making me give him a look.

"I think we are having a very large baby." I say resting the plate on the top of my stomach.

"Why you say that?" Peeta wonders with a smile.

At first I'm not sure if he's trying to be funny.

"Because I'm really fat." I answer him anyway.

"Katniss your not fat, your pregnant and still beautiful, I don't know anyone else who could be pregnant and look so good." he answer making me blush.

"Well I'm glad you think that." I answer with a small smile.

"You could be pregnant with 10 babies and I would still think your beautiful." he gins grabbing a hold of my hand a squeezing it.

"Well aren't you quite the charmer?" I smirk squeezing his hand back.

"I do try." he smirks making me giggle.

I move along the best i can and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for telling me I'm beautiful, I'm so glad that I have you and your hear with me, with us." I say thankfully before my eyes wonder to willow and Noah who are still playing happily.

"Hey I'm always here to tell you your beautiful because you are, I'm here to stay and im never leaving, not in a million years." He answers before pecking my cheek.

I turn my head and we connect our lips together.

We enjoy the moment before I feel my stomach been kicked from the inside.

Thankfully it didn't hurt badly.

I move peetas hand round my back before finally resting in on my swollen stomach.

I feel him drawing small circles on and strangely it doesn't t just calm the baby.

It calms me too.

I close my eyes listening to the beautiful sounds of my children playing.

Feeling content and happy, I drift off into a peaceful nap.

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