Toegther against the world

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We knocked on the door and of course Finn answered. He must of seen us coming.

"Hey katniss, did you get the video?" he questions rather excitedly.

"Yep, do you want to see it?" I asks him smiling.

"Yeah, come in. I told mommy you were coming." he says inviting us inside.

When we walked in we only see Annie, Johanna must either be in bed or out.

As if Annie is reading my mind she answers my question.

"Johanna's gone out shopping, it's lovely to see you." She says bringing me into a hug.

"Lovely to see you to." I say returning the hug.

Annie tells us to take a seat in the living room so we do and straight away Finn hops up on my knee.

"Can I see the video now?" he asks.

"What video?" Annie questions.

"Well these two over there decided to play a trick on me for telling Finn to throw water on katniss." Peeta says pointing at us.

"Oh no, what was the trick?" she asks smiling.

"Well, me and Finn decided to throw water on Peeta to wake him up." I say then crack up laughing.

"Yeh and I told katniss to take a video." Finn says joining in the conversation.

Soon enough Annie is over by my side and I have Finn on my knee while I replay the video about five times for them.

Finn is laughing so hard that I'm scared his going to wee on me.

We end up spending the whole day with them.

Peeta helps Annie cook in the kitchen while I play cars with Finn.

Sometime between that Johanna wonders back in and I end up replaying the video another 30 times for her.

Johanna being Johanna does have to go to the toilet so she doesn't wet herself.

Honestly, she's worse than a child.

After a full day of talking, playing, eating and laughing we have to return home so we can have some rest.

We end up in bed quiet early because this morning I got us both up before normal time.

Peeta helps me put the covers on because I can't put them on by myself.

Single bed I can do but double is just complicated.

I can easily take them off though. That's not hard to do.

"I can't believe that in only 3 days we will be a married couple." Peeta says as we lie comfortable in bed.

"Yeah I know it's gone so quick. I just hope the weather will be perfectly warm for us." I say with hope.

"It will be. Everything will be prefect just like you." Peeta says.

Normally this would make me blush but something else on my mind is making it stop.

"I wish Finnick and prim could be here." I say trying not the let the tears fall but it's impossible.

My prefect little sister isn't going to be at my wedding and it's all Gale's fault and now thinking about him is making me angry.

Peeta must feel my tears on his bear chest because he lifts my chin to face him.

"Listen don't let yourself get upset now, prim would be so proud of you and everything you have done." he says wiping my tears.

"I know, it just feels weird and sad that she's not here with me anymore." I say letting a few more tears slide.

"She is here with you and she always will be." he says pointing at my heart.

"She will be looking down on you everyday making sure your okay. Your dad also." he continues

To be honest this shouldn't be all about me, because Peeta doesn't have any of his family left only me and haymitch.

"I'm sorry for been selfish." I say to him.

"How are you being selfish?" he questions.

"Because I'm making it all about me. You don't have your family and I'm always talking about me." I say feeling bad.

"Listen, your not being selfish. It's okay to be upset. Im always here for you just as you are for me and it's okay to miss your dad and sister." he says to me.

"You can talk to me whenever you want to you know. Like if you ever miss your family." I reassure him.

"I know that, but I've got you and right now your all I need." he says making me smile.

We lie back down ready to sleep but I ask one more thing.

"We're going to be okay aren't we? you know you and me?" I ask.

"Of course we are, we're already okay and we always will be." he answers.

"You and me together against the world forever and always." I say tiredly.

"You and me together against the word together and always." he repeats before we fall asleep in each other's comforting arms.

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