Day out

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I wake up to the sun peaking through the curtains.

This confuses me since its in the middle of winter.

I sigh and turn to face Peeta just as we wakes up.

"Hey beautiful, wow that's bright" he says covering his eyes.

"Morning." i mumble turning so my face is now in his soft bare chest.

"Tired still?" he asks laughing.

"A bit." I reply closing my eyes.

"Come on, I know your tired but it's the last day Annie and Johanna are here" peetas says making me groan.

"It's gone so fast." I say honestly.

"I know but they need to go home, they probably miss the sun and water especially Finn." peeta says making me smile.

"Well it looks like there's plenty of sun today." I say getting out of bed.

I walk over to the curtains making peeta moan because of the sun hitting his eyes.

I laugh before looking outside and frowning.

I turn to peeta pouting before walking over to him and lying on top of him above the sheets.

Once he feels me on top of him he pulls the blanket down to see my pouting face.

"What's wrong?" he wonders confused.

"The snows all gone." I say sadly.

"Your so easily disappointed." he says before smirking at me.

"But I didn't get to have that snow fight with Johanna." I say before he kisses my pout away making me smile again.

"There's always next year." he says making me give him a look.

"That's a year away." I say honestly.

"Something to look forward to." he relies before trying sit up.

After a few minutes of trying to sit up with me lying on top of him he gives up and smiles.

"Are you going to move?" he asks moving some of my falling hair from my face.

"No it's really comfy." I say leaning closely to him so my lips are right above his.

He leans up to kiss me but I turn my head away.

"Thanks no fair." he says now pouting making me give in.

I lean in for a kiss before pulling away shortly after.

"I'm going for a shower." I say before walking into the bathroom moving my hips.

Just before I close the door I hear him groan before mumbling "il get you back for that"

I laugh to myself before running the water so it's warm then stepping into the shower.

I wash my hair quickly then my body before getting out.

I change info some fresh clothes before using the hair dryer to dry my soaking wet hair.

Once I'm finished I walk into the bedroom to change into some comfy clothes before walking to willow and Noahs room.

I see peeta there getting Noah ready and I see willow is still sleeping in her cot.

"Should we wake her up? she'll need a bottle." I say looking at peeta before saying good morning to my son.

"Yeah just get her up now and if she's tired we will put her asleep again later" he smiles.

I go over to willow before carefully picking her out of her cot.

"Willow baby wake up." I say kissing her cheek.

Surprisingly she wakes up straight away.

She's a heavily sleeper just like me. we both love our sleep.

Her blue eyes meet mine before she smiles at me.

I take her to the changing mat to change her.

I change her nappy before putting on some leggings and a small jacket on her to keep her warm.

"You ready to get breakfast?" peeta asks as he rests his hand on my hip.

"Yep." I say picking willow up and placing her on my hip keeping a steady hold on her.

I place willow in her high chair as peeta places Noah in his.

I grab two bibs at place them around willow and Noahs neck to stop the milk getting on their clean clothes.

I give willow and Noah their bottles and they drink them there self.

Considering they are only nearly 7 months they have a great grip on their feeding bottles.

Peeta makes us scrambled egg and toast witch is really tasty.

Well to be honest everything peeta makes is tasty.

"Should I ring Annie and Johanna after breakfast?" I ask looking at peeta.

"Sure, I need to take a quick shower before we go." he relies taking a bite of his toast.

Once we finish I clean willow and Noahs mouths that have milk around them while peeta does the dishes.

"You go take a shower. I can phone Annie now." I says truthfully.

"Okay I won't be long." peeta answers kissing my forehead quickly before wondering upstairs.

I grab the house phone before dialling Annie's number.

Annie and Johanna are staying in Peetas old home since it was a bit squishy here.

"Hello." I hear her voice on the other side.

"Hi Annie, me and Peeta was wondering if you, Finn and Joanna wanted to come out to the park today since its sunny." I say looking outside.

It would of been awkward if it had started snowing again.

"Oh we would love to." she replies and I can tell that she's smiling.

"Okay so see you in 10?" I ask hopefully.

"We will be there." she answers before the line goes dead.

I turn to face my daughter and son to see them both staring at me.

"We going to see auntie Jo, Annie and cousin Finn?" I ask sitting down.

In a matter of seconds they both smile at me just as peeta returns.

"You all look happy." he says hugging me.

"We're always happy with you." I reply hugging my husband back.

You love me real or not real?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora