Letter from Annie

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Today when I wake up Peeta is at the bakery.

I walk downstairs to see a letter on the table.

Seeing it has my name on it, I open it up.

Dear katniss,

Me and Johanna are planning on coming tomorrow to help you get a wedding dress. Johanna has surprisingly been begging me to send you a letter cause she's been wanting to see you for a while. I'm also excited and Finn wants to see his auntie Katniss. See you tomorrow.

Love from Annie, Johanna and little tot.

I'm a little shocked about Johanna because we didn't really like each other when we first met.

I decided to clean up around the house even though they probably won't be staying here.

There's loads of spare homes in the victors village so maybe they can stay there while they are in district 12.

I grabbed a pen and a bit of paper and wrote Annie back.

Dear Annie,

Tomorrow's fine also we need to get you and Johanna a bridesmaid dress. I can't wait to see Finn. He must be getting quite big now, it's been a while since I seen you guys. Tell Johanna that I miss her to, see you soon. Take care.

Once I've finished I seal it up and run upstairs to take a shower.

I use strawberry body wash and coconut hair wash making my hair smell really nice.

I change into clean clothes and head out the door to post the letter so it can be sent to Annie before tomorrow.

It's only a 5 minutes walk to the post office so I decide to take a walk around town for a while.

District 12 has really improved from what it looked like 2 years ago.

Everybody seems generally happy and nobody is starving anymore.

I'm glad about the outcome of the rebellion with no more hunger games.

But I'm still not happy about the fact people I really cared about had to loose their life because of it.

When I was stuck in my thoughts I didn't realise I was outside the bakery.

I decide to go in since there's not much more to do.

When I walk in the bell rings announcing my arrival.

"Il be two seconds." I hear Peetas voice call trough from the back making me smile.

Seconds later he comes out and sees me standing there.

"Oh hey katniss, what you doing here?" he questions wiping some flour from his face.

"I got a letter from Annie saying she and Johanna are coming tomorrow so I came out to post it and ended to here." I say all at once making him laugh.

"You not had many people buying today?" I ask looking around.

"It's been quite quiet so I was just packing up to come home." he says taking of his apron.

"Alright, I guess il just walk back with you." I say sitting down waiting for him to finish packing away his ingredients.

After about 10 minutes Peeta was finally finished and we left the bakery together.

"What do you want for dinner?" Peeta asked after a moment of silence.

"Could we have some stew and maybe some cheese buns for later?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah whatever my lady wants." he answers squeezing my hand.

When we arrived home Peeta made dinner and we eat it talking about random things.

We cuddled on the couch watching one of Peetas favourite movies.

We have watched it that many times that I can probably say every line all the way through without stopping.

The sun goes down and I fall asleep on the couch in Peetas warm, strong, protective arms.

Dreaming about the perfect future with Peeta.

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