Talk with Annie

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I wake up peacefully instead of been forced awake.

I turn to see that Peeta is still fast asleep which kind of surprises me.

I decide to stay in bed with him since I can't be bothered to move.

I can't hear Annie or Johanna but I know they must be up.

I know this because all little kids wake up early.

something I have to look forward to.


I'm excited to have my baby but I'm scared about the birth and all the nights I'm going to have to stay up feeding and changing it.

I can tell that Peeta is excited.

I mean he's always wanted kids so I don't see why he wouldn't be.

He's always goes on about how he wants a little me but I don't really understand why.

I suppose it's the same way that I want a little Peeta.

Someone who can bake like his father and maybe come hunting with his mother.

I see that some of Peetas hair has dropped onto his face so I move it back.

His hair is getting so long but he refuses to get a hair cut.

I don't really mind because I like his long blond hair, it's cute.

I don't realise that Peeta is awake and looking back at me until I feel him stroke my hair.

"Morning beautiful." he says as always.

"Morning handsome, I didn't wake you did I?" I ask hopefully.

"No I would of woke up soon anyway." he replies.

"We should go see Annie and Johanna since we are leaving tonight" I say cuddling closer to him.

"Yeah and you need to eat something because your eating for two." Peeta smiles making me do the same.

We climb out of the bed we shared in Annie's spare room.

We get changed into clean clothes and make sure everything we need is in the suitcase.

Once we feel like everything is sorted we leave the room to go downstairs.

The first thing I see is Finn running around in the consume we bought for his birthday.

He must of opened that recently since he was obsessed with the car last night.

By the sounds of it he still is.

"But mommy I wanna play on my new car." he begs as we come to view.

"Hey lovebirds." Johanna smirks as always.

"Finn you need some breakfast otherwise you won't grow and you will be looking for crisps in 5 minutes." Annie says grabbing some bread.

"Fine." he huffs walking over to me.

Just as I expected he sat himself on my knee.

"Thanks for this katniss." he says meaning the costume.

"Your welcome, you look amazing in it." I say making him smile.

"Are you going back home today?" he asks sadly.

"Yeah but I'm sure il see you soon." I say honestly.

Annie hands me and Peeta and bacon sandwich while saying good morning.

After breakfast me and Peeta have 3 hours before we leave.

Annie decides to take Finn to the park to try and burn off some energy.

We arrive and Finn rushes off to play straight away.

"What do you think of Finn been 4 already?" I ask Annie curiously.

"It's kind of sad, there not babies two seconds." she says while watching Finn play on the swings.

"You excited about your baby?" she questions.

"Excited, scared, nervous." I answer honestly.

"Don't be scared you have Peeta to help you and il aways be here." she says finally looking at me.

"I just wish Finn could of had a different start." she says making me think about Finnick.

"I'm sorry that Finnick can't be here." I say choosing my words carefully.

I wouldn't want to be the one to set Annie off again.

I've already done enough damage.

"Katniss, it's not your fault." she says rubbing my hand.

"If it's not all my fault then at least part of it is, I should of died in the first games." I say sadly.

"If you died, the games would be still going. More and more people would be dying, your baby and Finn will never go through what we did." she smiles.

"But what about you?" I say meaning Finnick.

"Katniss, I've got plenty of people to support me. Don't worry." she says pulling me into a hug.

I feel better after my talk with Annie and I'm so happy I get along so well with her.

After an hour we leave to get mine and Peetas suitcase from Annie's and walk to the train station.

"Il see you soon okay." Annie says pulling me into another hug.

"Bye brainless, call me soon." Johanna says.

I kneel down to hug Finn who gladly hugs me back.

"Can I call you on the phone katniss?" Finn asks.

"Sure you can, whenever you want to." I reply smiling at the young boy.

Me and Peeta step onto the train and wave bye to Johanna, Annie and Finn.

With what seems to be a short journey we soon arrive home.

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