Feelings from the quell

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When I woke up Peeta was still sleeping in what I now consider to be our bed.

I get dressed really quietly so I didn't wake him and sneaked out the house to go hunting.

Peetas normally an early riser too. He's on helping with the building of the new bakery he's going to be owing. But since we had been up late talking the night before I'm sure he was tired.

I'm still tired aswell but I've still woken up the same hour as always. Sleeping in isn't something I'm use to yet.

I arrived at the woods and went to find my bow that I always keep in the log. Since the rebellion we are allowed to go free in the woods so I should just keep my bow at home but I find it easier to leave it here. It's an old habit.

I silently make my way though the woods looking for any game I can get my eyes on but it's hard to focus.

I keep thinking about Peeta sleeping at home and I wish I stayed there to greet him with a kiss when he woke up. I still love going hunting but I'd rather stay in bed.

I hear footsteps of what sounded like animals behind me but I'm not quick enough to catch it. STUPID MIND. I'm doing too much thinking.

I decide that I miss Peeta too much to stay out here. maybe we could just have cheese buns for dinner? Or maybe I could just come back later? hmm

I put my bow back and ran all the way to the victors village.

I burst though the door that leads into the kitchen where Peeta was standing making breakfast. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Hey, back already?"

I didn't speak I just rushed over to him and threw my arms around his neck attacking his lips with mine.

"I'm so glad your here with me" I finally said once we broke apart.

"Me too" he answered back sweetly.

All day I tried to be extra nice to him to show my love for him and trying to make up for the past.

When we went to bed I was so happy when I felt his arms make their way around me in the dark, i sighed with relief.

I really don't know what I would do without him but right now I don't want to think about it.

Tonight I felt that his embrace wasn't enough, so I leaned over and began to kiss him and suddenly I got this feeling.

This feeling that I could remember from somewhere but where?

That's right, the feeling I got was the same one that I got that night in the quell.

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