What about the nightmares?

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I'm in the arena again running away from some fog that seems to be trapping me.

Peeta isn't far behind me with Finnick who's carrying a very tired mags.

I'm breathing heavily when I hear a thud coming from close behind me.

I see that mags and Finnick aren't here anymore and Peeta is lying on the floor.

I quickly rush over to him and see his eyes are nearly fully closed.

"Peeta, get up come on, please don't leave me." I say crying.

"Katniss, I love you and I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." he says out of breath.

"No Peeta please don't go. Don't leave me." I say but I don't think he can here me.

I hear a cannon go off that confirm my thoughts.

Peeta is dead.

Suddenly I'm thrown across the floor.

I'm met with blue eyes but not the blue eyes id like to.

I'm met with the blue eyes of a hungry mutt, ready to kill me.

"Katniss, come on baby wake up." I hear a voice.

Wake up, why would this mutt tell me to wake up?

And why did it call me baby?

Just as the mutts teeth is about to tear open my throat.

I shoot up and realise I'm in the confronting arms of my husband.

Before anything a few thoughts run through my mind.

My baby? what if having nightmares harm it.

Maybe I should ask someone about that.

I can't ask Peeta so maybe the doctor? no they wouldn't understand.

Maybe Annie? she was pregnant during a war so she was about to have nightmares.

"Katniss, katniss are you okay?" I hear Peetas concerned voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine now." I say snuggling close to him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Peeta asks wiping away a few of my tears that I didn't release fell.

"No thank you." I say looking at nothing.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" Peeta asks stroking my hair.

"What time is it?" I ask finally meeting his eyes.

"Half 7, I'm not at the bakery today." Peeta says making me happy.

"There's no point. I told Annie I would walk with her Johanna and Finn to the train station today." I say sitting up abit.

"They are leaving today." I continue.

"Okay, il come with you. Do you want some breakfast?" Peeta asks before kissing my forehead.

"Yeah please." I say just as I hear my stomach rumble making Peeta giggle.

"Pancakes?" Peeta asks and straight away I feel the urge to throw up.

"No toast please." I say rather to quickly.

"Woah, that's different." Peeta says.

"I know I just feel like eating something different for once." I say trying to move of the subject.

I don't want him to suspect anything.

It's only 4 more days until his birthday then everything will be out.

He will know about our baby I'm carrying.

I'm scared and nervous but really excited at the same time and I can't wait for Peetas reaction.

And I can't wait until we meet our baby.

"Katniss?" I hear Peeta ask.

"Oh yeah sorry what?" I say making him smile.

"Toast it is 7and are you okay? your daydreaming a lot." He says making me panic.

"Just thinking about you and your birthday." I say smirking.

"You don't have to get me anything you know." he says as we walk to the kitchen.

"I do, you always get something for me so I shall in return." I say sitting down.

"Thank you." Peeta says even though he has nothing to thank me for.

Instead of starting an argument about how he's got nothing to thank me for I just smile.

Peeta comes over to give me a kiss. He places a plate with two slices of toast in front of me.

He takes a seat next to me holding my had under the table.

As we settle down for breakfast.

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