Birthday cake

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I wake up luckily before Peeta because I need to go to the bakery without him there.

I carefully climb out of bed without waking him which is a first.

I use the bathroom to get changed so he doesn't hear me.

Once I'm ready I brush my hair and tie it into a normal pony tail in which I haven't done for a while.

I grab a pen and write Peeta a quick note so that he doesn't worry about me when he wakes up.

Hey Peeta,

I've gone to take Haymitch the cupcakes and go hunting since I was up early.

We also need more meat so I decided to go out in some fresh air.

I will meet you at the bakery later once Im finished.

Love you and miss you.

Love katniss

I put the note on the bedside table and kiss Peeta carefully on the forehead before leaving the room.

I grab my boots pulling them on and head downstairs grabbing 2 cupcakes.

I open the door and step out making my first stop to Haymitchs house.

"Haymitch?" I question knocking on the door.

No answer as usual so I just walk inside to see him sitting awake on the couch.

"What do you want sweetheart?" Haymitch asks looking at me.

"Was it to much bother to come and open the door." I ask sarcastically.

"No I just couldn't be bothered." he grumbles.

"I brought you some cupcakes we made." I say meaning me and Peeta.

"I hope it was just Peeta, I'm not ready to die." Haymitch says before laughing to himself.

"I put the chocolate on, Peeta did the rest." I say truthfully placing the cakes in front of him.

"Well that's better than you doing all of it." Haymitch says.

Just as I'm about to leave I hear Haymitch say something I least expected.

"Your knocked up aren't ya?" he questions smirking.

"What? how did ya know?" I ask surprised.

"You look like your going to throw up." He answers still with that same smirk on his face.

"That's not from been pregnant. That's because the smell of someone who hasn't washed for a year is drifting around." I smile.

"Il take a bath later. I just haven't had time." Haymitch says before pausing.

"Does Peeta know he's going to be a daddy yet?" he questions.

"I'm telling him on his birthday." I answer.

"Good luck and congratulations." he answers finally smiling.

"I've got to go now, il see you soon." I say moving to leave.

"Bye sweetheart I'm sure I will." he says as if he knows something.

I leave Haymitchs house and make my next stop to the bakery.

I go inside and luckily Peeta isn't here yet, perfect.

I go around the back to see Jonny, Peetas worker that helps out.

"Hey Jonny." I call.

"Oh hi katniss, what you doing here?" he questions.

"You do know Peeta isn't here yet." he continues.

"Yeah I know, I came to ask you a favour." I say hopefully.

"What's up?" he asks looking at me.

"Well you can't tell Peeta yet but I'm pregnant." I start.

"Oh my gosh really?" he asks surprised.

"Yeah right onto the favour, I need you to bake a cake for Peetas birthday saying 'happy birthday daddy." I say smiling.

"Oh my gosh that's so cute." he mumbles gushing.

"So will you do it?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course I will, do you want me to hide it from Peeta?" he asks making me give him a look.

"No I want to to wave it in his face." I say sarcastically.

Jonny bursts out laughing making me laugh as well.

"Sorry I'm all over the place at the minute." I say truthfully.

"That's okay katniss, is this for Peetas birthday?" He questions.

"Yeah." I say calming down.

"Okay il do it." he says making me happy.

"Thank you so much, il come and collect it in 2 days." I tell him.

"Fine with me and congratulations." he says pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you and il see you soon." I say pulling away.

I wave bye to Jonny before heading out of the bakery.

Next stop the pet store.

Let's get Peeta a puppy.

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